PreviewFeatures Interface

List of preview features that can be enabled/disabled. This list is expected to change over time, the interface is made so that new features can be added or removed without breaking existing code. A console warning will simply appear if unknown features are passed.


  • Partial<KnownPreviewFeatures>

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
activateDroppedTab boolean | undefined Partial If true, the active tab of a dragged widget will become active when dropped in a container.
contentAlwaysMaxSize boolean | undefined Partial If true, the panels and tool settings will always be rendered over the content.
enableMaximizedFloatingWidget boolean | undefined Partial If true, the floating widget will have a "maximize" button.
enableMaximizedPanelWidget boolean | undefined Partial If true, the panel widget will have a "maximize" button.
horizontalPanelAlignment boolean | undefined Partial If true, the horizontal panels will have an additional "Align" button.
newToolbars boolean | undefined Partial If true, the Toolbar component will be replaced by a new iTwinUI based toolbar.
reparentPopoutWidgets boolean | string[] Partial If true, popout widgets will not be rendered in a separate element tree, instead widget content will be re-parented to a popout content container.
widgetActionDropdown { threshold: number } | undefined Partial If enabled, a dropdown menu will be rendered for widgets that exceed the specified threshold of title bar buttons.

Defined in

Last Updated: 13 May, 2024