startOrStop MethodStatic

Start or stop hypermodeling mode for the specified viewport. Enabling hypermodeling registers and returns a HyperModelingDecorator to display SectionMarkers within the viewport. Disabling hypermodeling removes that decorator.

startOrStop(viewport: ScreenViewport, start?: boolean): Promise<undefined | HyperModelingDecorator>

@returns The new decorator is hypermodeling was successfully enabled.

@note Enabling hypermodeling may fail if the viewport is not viewing a spatial model or if the viewport's iModel does not support hypermodeling.

@see - start and stop.

Parameter Type Description
viewport ScreenViewport The hypermodeling viewport
start boolean true to enter hypermodeling mode, false to exit, or undefined to toggle the current mode.

Returns - Promise<undefined | HyperModelingDecorator>

The new decorator is hypermodeling was successfully enabled.

Defined in

Last Updated: 29 May, 2024