
The Popup React component displays a popup relative to an optional target element.


Various Popup properties, as defined in PopupProps, control the position and look of the popup.

The isOpen prop indicates whether the popup is shown or not.

The position prop specifies the direction to which the popup is expanded, relative to the HTML element specified by the target prop.

The showShadow prop indicates whether to show a box shadow, and the showArrow indicates whether to show an arrow pointing to the target element.

Several props specify handlers for certain events: onOpen, onOutsideClick, onClose, onEnter, onWheel and onContextMenu.

Several props control whether the popup closes for certain events (all default to true): closeOnEnter closeOnWheel and closeOnContextMenu.


   private _targetBottomLeft: HTMLElement | null = null;

. . .

  <button onClick={this._toggleBottomLeft} ref={(element) => { this._targetBottomLeft = element; }}>
    Bottom Left
  <Popup className="popup-colors" isOpen={this.state.showBottomLeft} position={RelativePosition.BottomLeft} target={this._targetBottomLeft}
    onClose={this._onCloseBottomLeft} showArrow={true} showShadow={true}>
    {this.renderPopup("Bottom Left", this._onCloseBottomLeft)}

. . .

  private renderPopup(title: string, onClose: () => any) {
    return (
      <div className="popup-test-content">
        <div />
          <li onClick={onClose}>Item 1</li>
          <li onClick={onClose}>Item 2</li>
          <li onClick={onClose}>Item 3</li>
          <li onClick={onClose}>Item 4</li>

. . .

  private _onCloseBottomLeft = () => {
    this.setState({ showBottomLeft: false });


API Reference

Last Updated: 29 September, 2021