
An application must fetch an AccessToken from the Bentley Authorization Server to access various iTwin Services including iModelHub. AccessTokens are JSON Web Tokens - they are time constrained and scoped down to restrict access to only specific services. The iTwin.js API uses the OpenID Connect specification for authentication - i.e., determining "who" the user is, and the OAuth 2.0 protocol is used for authorization - i.e., delegating the application to talk to services like iModelHub on behalf of the user. The OpenID Connect specification is really just an extension of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

The Bentley Authorization Service is built on the IdentityServer4 framework, an officially certified implementation of OpenID Connect.

Using OAuth 2.0 to Access iTwin.js APIs

The API supports common OAuth 2.0 scenarios of Web Frontend Applications, Agent or Service Applications, Desktop and Mobile Applications. All applications need to follow the same basic pattern:

1. Register the application to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials

Use the developer registration page to register your applications and get the credentials. In the case of Frontend, Desktop and Mobile Applications, the credentials will include just a Client Id. In the case of Agent or Service Applications it will include a client Id, client secret, a service user name and a service user password.

2. Obtain an access token from the Bentley Authorization Server

Before your application can access an iModel on iModelHub, it must obtain an access token that grants the required access. The way you make the request depends on the application you are building.

For Web Frontend Applications, the means of authenticating the user is commonly referred to as an "implicit" flow. You will use the iTwin.js OpenID Connect Frontend API that will internally redirect the browser to the Bentley Authorization Server. The user then logs in through the browser, and is shown a user consent screen and asked whether they are willing to grant permissions that your application is requesting. Once the user grants the permission, the Bentley Authorization Server sends your application an access token.

For Agent or Service Applications, since a browser is not involved, you would be using the iTwin.js OpenID Connect Backend API that makes web service requests to obtain the access token.

3. Send the access token through the iTwin.js API

After obtaining an access token, the application is then required to pass that through any iTwin.js frontend or backend API that take the AccessToken parameter.

4. Refresh the access token

AccessTokens have a limited lifetime, typically an hour. The application needs to refresh access tokens using the API when the tokens are about to expire, and ensure that it will remain valid for the duration of the API call.

The iTwin.js API calls required to refresh the access token are different in Web Frontend Applications and Agent or Service Applications.

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024