Create a test iModel from a Bentley provided sample

The quickest way to get access to an iTwin Platform hosted iModel is by creating an iModel seeded with Bentley provided sample data.

  • Go to "My iTwins - Create iTwin"
  • Give your Test iTwin a name
  • The Test iTwin will be created and will contain no iModels
  • Select the "New" button to create a new iModel
  • Give your iModel a name
  • Select "Bentley Sample" in the "Create iModel from" section
  • Select a template from the dropdown
  • Click Save

Metrostation Sample

A metrostation located in Philadelphia. Contains platform, rails, and subway cars.



Soccer stadium in Singapore. Features landscape details and a metro station. This is the largest sample iModel.


Retail Building Sample

Cafe and apartments.


Bay Town Process Plant

Simple processing plant. This is the smallest sample iModel.


House Sample

Features several 2D drawings and sheets.


Last Updated: 29 June, 2023