Learning iModel.js UI

This section provides explanations of the concepts that are in the iModel.js UI.

Why React?

iModel.js UI bases its controls on the React JavaScript library. For more information about why, see Why We Chose React.

React version requirements

iModel.js UI is compatible with React 16.8 and later.

Library Organization

The iModel.js UI library is divided into these NPM packages in the @bentley scope:

Package Name Description
ui‑abstract Abstractions for UI controls, such as toolbars, buttons and menus.
ui‑core General purpose React components, such as Dialog, MessageBox, SearchBox, RadialMenu and SplitButton.
ui‑components React components that are data-oriented, such as PropertyGrid, Table, Tree and Breadcrumb.
ui‑ninezone React components for application user interface layouts following the Bentley 9‑Zone pattern.
ui‑framework Application fragments for Login, Project, iModel and View selection, and configuration of the application UI including the Backstage, Frontstages, Zones, Widgets, etc.

See also:

Last Updated: 13 June, 2024