
Property Description

A PropertyDescription describes the metadata associated with a property that can be used to display and edit it in the UI.

Included in the metadata are the type and format of the property's value, its editor type and parameters.

Property Editor Params

Property Editor Params are used to specify the type of editor shown in the UI for the property. The BasePropertyEditorParams handles strings:

// ------------- text based edit field ---------------
private static _cityName = "city";
private static _getCityDescription = (): PropertyDescription => {
  return {
    name: SampleTool._cityName,
    displayLabel: SampleTool.i18n.translate("sampleNameSpace:tools.SampleTool.Prompts.City"),
    typename: "string",

The size of the input field can be controlled with InputEditorSizeParams:

// ------------- text based edit field ---------------
private static _stateName = "state";
private static _getStateDescription = (): PropertyDescription => {
  return {
    name: SampleTool._stateName,
    displayLabel: SampleTool.i18n.translate("sampleNameSpace:tools.SampleTool.Prompts.State"),
    typename: "string",
    editor: {
      params: [{
        type: PropertyEditorParamTypes.InputEditorSize,
        size: 4,
        /* maxLength: 60,*/
      } as InputEditorSizeParams,

For any editor type, the label can be suppressed using SuppressLabelEditorParams.

Numeric values can be formatted with custom formatters using CustomFormattedNumberParams.

Enums can be edited as a selection list:

// ------------- Enum based picklist ---------------
private static enumAsPicklistMessage(str: string) { return SampleTool.i18n.translate("sampleNameSpace:tools.SampleTool.Options." + str); }
private static _optionsName = "enumAsPicklist";
private static _getEnumAsPicklistDescription = (): PropertyDescription => {
  return {
    name: SampleTool._optionsName,
    displayLabel: SampleTool.i18n.translate("sampleNameSpace:tools.SampleTool.Prompts.Options"),
    typename: "enum",
    enum: {
      choices: [
        { label: SampleTool.enumAsPicklistMessage("Red"), value: ToolOptions.Red },
        { label: SampleTool.enumAsPicklistMessage("White"), value: ToolOptions.White },
        { label: SampleTool.enumAsPicklistMessage("Blue"), value: ToolOptions.Blue },
        { label: SampleTool.enumAsPicklistMessage("Yellow"), value: ToolOptions.Yellow },

or using as button group with ButtonGroupEditorParams:

private static _methodsName = "selectionMethods";
/* The property descriptions used to generate ToolSettings UI. */
private static _getMethodsDescription(): PropertyDescription {
  return {
    name: SelectionTool._methodsName,
    displayLabel: "",
    typename: "enum",
    editor: {
      name: "enum-buttongroup",
      params: [{
        type: PropertyEditorParamTypes.ButtonGroupData,
        buttons: [
          { iconSpec: "icon-select-single" },
          { iconSpec: "icon-select-line" },
          { iconSpec: "icon-select-box" },
      } as ButtonGroupEditorParams, {
        type: PropertyEditorParamTypes.SuppressEditorLabel,
        suppressLabelPlaceholder: true,
      } as SuppressLabelEditorParams,
    enum: {
      choices: [
        { label: SelectionTool.methodsMessage("Pick"), value: SelectionMethod.Pick },
        { label: SelectionTool.methodsMessage("Line"), value: SelectionMethod.Line },
        { label: SelectionTool.methodsMessage("Box"), value: SelectionMethod.Box },

Colors may be edited in a color picker by specifying the available colors as an enum and using the ColorEditorParams:

private static _colorName = "color";
private static _getColorDescription = (): PropertyDescription => {
  return {
    name: SampleTool._colorName,
    displayLabel: SampleTool.i18n.translate("sampleNameSpace:tools.SampleTool.Prompts.Color"),
    typename: "number",
    editor: {
      name: "color-picker",
      params: [{
        type: PropertyEditorParamTypes.ColorData,
        colorValues: [
 as number,
 as number,
 as number,
          ColorByName.yellow as number,
 as number,
          ColorByName.gray as number,
          ColorByName.purple as number,
 as number,
        numColumns: 2,
      } as ColorEditorParams,

Property Record

A PropertyRecord contains instance data about a Property. EditorContainer can use the data from a PropertyRecord to create a PropertyEditor React component that converts the instance data using a TypeConverter.

API Reference


Last Updated: 29 November, 2022