
The Table category in the @bentley/ui-components package includes classes and components for working with a Table control.


The following React components comprise the Table control.

There are a number of value renderer components for different types that can be found in the Properties category. Those components are managed by the PropertyValueRendererManager.

Note: The Table component uses various components from the react-data-grid package internally.

Data Provider

The Table data provider is defined by the TableDataProvider interface and provides information about the columns and rows to the Table component.

The getColumns method retrieves an array of ColumnDescription. The getRowsCount method retrieves the number of rows and the getRow method retrieves a specific RowItem by index.

The onColumnsChanged event should be emitted when column data changes. The onRowsChanged event should be emitted when row data changes.

The sort method sorts the rows based on the value in a specific column.

For filtering support, the applyFilterDescriptors applies a filter descriptor collection and getDistinctValues gets the distinct values in a column.

Column Description

Column definitions are defined by the ColumnDescription interface.

The key member is a unique key for the column. The label member is a column header label.

The propertyDescription member is a PropertyDescription for all cells in the column.

The editable member indicates whether the cells in the column are editable. The resizable member indicates whether the column is resizable. The sortable member indicates whether the column is sortable.

The filterable member indicates whether the column is filterable. The filterRenderer member specifies the FilterRenderer for the column.

Row Item

Row information is defined by the RowItem interface.

The key member is a unique key for the row. The cells member is an array of CellItem in the row.

The isDisabled member indicates whether the cells in the row are disabled. The colorOverrides member specifies color overrides via the ItemColorOverrides interface.

Cell Item

Cell information is defined by the CellItem interface.

The key member is the key for the column containing the cell. The record member is the PropertyRecord for the cell.

The isDisabled member indicates whether the cell is disabled. The alignment member specifies the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell and the style member specifies style properties for the contents of the cell.

Data Provider Implementations

The SimpleTableDataProvider class is an implementation of TableDataProvider that uses an array. The PresentationTableDataProvider class is a Presentation Rules-driven implementation. Developers may develop their own implementation of TableDataProvider.


The Table component properties are defined in the TableProps interface.

The dataProvider prop, which is the only mandatory prop, specifies the Table data provider.

The pageAmount prop specifies the amount of rows per page. The default is 100. The onRowsLoaded prop specifies a callback function called when rows are loaded.

For selection support, the selectionMode prop specifies the desired SelectionMode and the tableSelectionTarget prop specifies the desired TableSelectionTarget. There are a number of selection related callback functions:

  • isRowSelected - Callback for determining if row is selected
  • onRowsSelected - Callback for when rows are selected
  • onRowsDeselected - Callback for when rows are deselected
  • isCellSelected - Callback for determining if cell is selected
  • onCellsSelected - Callback for when cells are selected
  • onCellsDeselected - Callback for when cells are deselected

For cell editing support, the onPropertyUpdated callback function is called when properties are updated. The ColumnDescription.editable member should be set to true to enable cell editing.

The reorderableColumns prop indicates whether the Table columns are reorderable. The showHideColumns prop enables a context menu to show/hide columns. The hideHeader prop hides the Table header.

Sample using Presentation Rules

Simple Table Component

This React component utilizes the Table component and tableWithUnifiedSelection HOC to create a HOC table component that supports unified selection.

import * as React from "react";
import { IModelConnection } from "@bentley/imodeljs-frontend";
import { Table } from "@bentley/ui-components";
import { PresentationTableDataProvider, tableWithUnifiedSelection } from "@bentley/presentation-components";

// create a HOC table component that supports unified selection
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
const SimpleTable = tableWithUnifiedSelection(Table);

/** React properties for the table component */
export interface Props {
  /** iModel whose contents should be displayed in the table */
  imodel: IModelConnection;
  /** ID of the presentation rule set to use for creating the content displayed in the table */
  rulesetId: string;

/** Table component for the viewer app */
export default class SimpleTableComponent extends React.Component<Props> {
  public render() {
    return (
      <SimpleTable dataProvider={new PresentationTableDataProvider({ imodel: this.props.imodel, ruleset: this.props.rulesetId })} />

Using the SimpleTableComponent component

const rulesetId = "Default";
. . .
<SimpleTableComponent imodel={this.props.imodel} rulesetId={rulesetId} />

API Reference

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022