
The SplitButton React component displays a button with two parts: an action button on the left and an arrow button on the right that opens a context menu.


The SplitButton properties are defined in the SplitButtonProps interface. The label prop specifies a label to display in the action area. The icon prop specifies an icon for the action area, and the drawBorder prop indicates whether to draw a border around the button.


<SplitButton label="Split Button" onClick={() => { }}>
  {this.splitButtonMenuItems.map((node) => node)}

. . .

  private static get splitButtonMenuItems(): React.ReactNode[] {
    return [
      <ContextMenuItem key="item1" icon="icon-placeholder">Item 1</ContextMenuItem>,
      <ContextMenuItem key="item2" icon="icon-placeholder">Item 2</ContextMenuItem>,
      <ContextMenuItem key="item3" icon="icon-placeholder">Item 3</ContextMenuItem>,


<SplitButton label="Split Button" drawBorder>
  {this.splitButtonMenuItems.map((node) => node)}

splitbutton bordered

Dark Theme

splitbutton dark

API Reference

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022