
The Viewport category in the @itwin/imodel-components-react package includes classes and components for working with a Viewport.

Component and Properties

The ViewportComponent React component is wrapper for a ScreenViewport. The ViewportProps interface defines the properties for the ViewportComponent.

The imodel prop is required and specifies the IModelConnection to display.

Either the viewDefinitionId prop or the viewState prop is required to specify a starting view point. The viewDefinitionId is the Id of a default view definition to load. The viewState is the ViewState to use as a starting point.

The viewportRef specifies a function that receives the ScreenViewport created by the component and allows the component user a chance to save it. When using @itwin/appui-react and Frontstages, setting ViewportContentControl.viewport notifies the FrontstageManager that the content view is ready.

Sample using Presentation Rules

Simple Viewport Component

This React component utilizes the ViewportComponent component and viewWithUnifiedSelection HOC to create a HOC viewport component that supports unified selection.

import * as React from "react";
import { ViewportComponent, ViewportProps } from "@itwin/imodel-components-react";
import { viewWithUnifiedSelection } from "@itwin/presentation-components";

// create a HOC viewport component that supports unified selection
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
const SimpleViewport = viewWithUnifiedSelection(ViewportComponent);

/** React properties for the viewport component */
export interface SimpleViewportComponentProps extends ViewportProps {
  /** ID of the presentation rule set to use for unified selection */
  rulesetId: string;

/** Viewport component for the viewer app */
export default class SimpleViewportComponent extends React.Component<SimpleViewportComponentProps> {
  public render() {
    return (

Using the SimpleViewportComponent component

const rulesetId = "Default";
. . .
  viewDefinitionId={this.props.viewDefinitionId} />

API Reference

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023