
Defines a Unit of Measure in terms of other Units allowing generation of a conversion factor between it and any other dimensionally compatible unit. NOTE: Conversions are limited to units in the same Phenomenon.


typeName Defines the name of this Unit. Must be a valid ECName and be unique among all other items in a schema.

displayLabel A display label that will be localized and used instead of the name in a GUI. If not set, the typeName is used.

description A user-facing description of the Unit. Localized and may be shown in a UI.

phenomenon The physical quantity that this unit measures (e.g., length, temperature, pressure). Only units in the same phenomenon can be converted between.

unitSystem The unit system that this unit belongs to (e.g., metric, imperial).

definition The expression that defines this unit in terms of other units. This expression defines the dimensionality of the unit and is used along with the numerator, denominator, and offset to convert between units in the same phenomenon.

numerator The numerator for the conversion factor which is used in combination with the units definition to convert between units.

denominator The denominator for the conversion factor which is used in combination with the units definition to convert between units.

offset The offset applied when converting between units.

Inverted Unit

Defines a Unit that is the inverse of another Unit. Only valid for Units whose dimensional derivation is Unit-less (e.g., slope).


typeName Defines the name of this Unit. Must be a valid ECName and be unique among all other items in a schema.

displayLabel A localized display label that will be used instead of the name in a GUI. If not set, the name is used.

description A user-facing description of the Unit. Localized and may be shown in a UI.

invertsUnit The unit this is inverting.

unitSystem The UnitSystem this is a member of.

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024