
A Category is a property of a GeometricElement that classifies its geometry for display purposes. That is, every GeometricElement is in one and only one Category. Furthermore, Categories are not hierarchical, that is, it not allowed to define a Category as the parent of another Category.

The visibility (on/off) of a category may be controlled per-view.

Categories are similar to levels in DGN and layers in DWG, as geometry-classification constructs. Categories are similar to categories in RVT as being the parent concept of the construct that enables visibility and styling control over portions of geometry - i.e. SubCategory.

For more information about semantics vs. geometry classification in BIS, see Classifying Elements.

Category Classes

There are three Category classes, with this hierarchy:

  • DefinitionElement
    • Category (abstract)
      • DrawingCategory (concrete & sealed)
      • SpatialCategory (concrete & sealed)

DrawingCategory is used for classifying GeometricElement2d elements via the GeometricElement2dIsInCategory (concrete & sealed) relationship. GeometricElement2dIsInCategory relates each GeometricElement2d with exactly 1 DrawingCategory.

SpatialCategory is used for classifying GeometricElement3d elements via the GeometricElement3dIsInCategory (concrete & sealed) relationship. GeometricElement3dIsInCategory relates each GeometricElement3d with exactly 1 SpatialCategory.

Note that Categories are not relevant for Elements that are not subclasses of GeometricElements.


A SubCategory is a subdivision of a Category. SubCategories allow GeometricElements to have multiple pieces of Geometry that can be independently visible and styled (color, linesStyle, transparency, etc.)

It is important to understand that a SubCategory is not a Category (i.e. Categories do not nest.) GeometricElements are always related to a Category, not a SubCategory. That is, it makes no sense to say a GeometricElement is "on" a SubCategory.

A SubCategory always subdivides a single Category. This relationship is defined by the CategoryOwnsSubCategories relationship. Every Category has one SubCategory called the default SubCategory.

SubCategories are similar to levels in DGN, layers in DWG and subcategories in RVT as being the construct directly involved in visibility and styling of geometry.

An example of a Category is "Window". The "Window" Category might contain SubCategories "Pane", "Mullion" and "Hardware". If the Window Category is displayed, the "Pane" SubCategory may be displayed while the "Mullion" SubCategory may be turned off.

Note: If a GeometricElement's Category is off, the element is not displayed, period. SubCategory is only relevant when the Category of the element is displayed.

Category and SubCategory Rank

Categories and SubCategories have a property called Rank that is defined by the following enum. It is meant to capture at what level a given Category or SubCategory was proposed. Applications can rely on the Rank property to understand the purpose of a given Category or SubCategory, when applicable.

enum class Rank
  System = 0, //!< This category is predefined by the system
  Domain = 1, //!< This category is defined by a domain.
  Application = 2, //!< This category is defined by an application.
  User = 3, //!< This category is defined by a user.

Category and SubCategory CodeValue

Category and SubCategory names comes from their CodeValue.

To avoid creating names that are unprintable, indistinguishable to users, and/or cannot be export to other systems, the following characters are disallowed in Category and SubCategory names:


Category CodeScope

Category is a subclass of DefinitionElement, and are therefore required to be in DefinitionModels. By convention, the Codes for Categories are scoped to their DefinitionModel.

For Categories that are meant to be specific to a discipline or Domain, create a DefinitionModel and use it for your Categories. This permits each Domain to have a unique set of Categories, even though their names are not necessarily unique across the Domains.

SubCategory CodeScope

The CodeScope of a SubCategory is always its parent Category. That is, SubCategory CodeValues are only unique within their Category.

SubCategory References in GeometryStreams

Every GeometricElement2d and GeometricElement3d has a Category. They also have a GeometryStream property that defines the geometry of the Element. Within that GeometryStream, 0..N references can be made to SubCategoryIds of the element's Category to control the visibility and style of entries within the GeometryStream. Any reference to a SubCategoryId that is not a SubCategory of the element's Category is rejected.

Data-writing applications and Categories

Each application synchronizing external data or authoring it directly on a BIS repository shall store its Categories on its own Editing Channel. That way each application can have its own set of Categories without risk of name collision with each other.

Applications should consider the SpatialCategories proposed by Standard BIS Domains, when applicable.

Standardization of Categories

Categories are ultimately under the control of the user. Users may be interested in eventually standardizing the list of Categories and Subcategories used in a BIS repository, especially when its data is created by different applications. Standard BIS Domains as well as Applications may suggest default Categories to certain GeometricElements in order to aid towards that goal.

Categories proposed as defaults may correspond to one or more classes in the Domain ("Door", "Pavement", "Beam", etc.).

Every GeometricElement subclass does not need its own default Category. Two common Category patterns are:

  1. A Category is used for a class and all its descendent classes.
  2. A Category is used for a set of unrelated classes that have some conceptual similarity but do not fit rule 1.

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Last Updated: 08 August, 2024