Notifications and Messages

There are several types of notifications and messages that can be displayed using NotificationManager methods:

Type Description
Element Tooltip displays near the cursor and provides information about the iModel element the cursor is over
Prompt displays in or near the Status Bar and provides instructions about the usage of a Tool
Toast message displays above the Status Bar and automatically disappears after 3 to 4 seconds
Sticky message displays above the Status Bar and contains a Close button the user clicks to dismiss it
Input Field message displays near an input field and provides feedback about the usage of the field
Alert message displays in the center of the window and contains a Close button the user clicks to dismiss it
Pointer message displays near the cursor and provides feedback about the usage of a Tool
Activity message displays above the Status Bar and displays a Progress Bar and text related to a currently running activity


To display prompts and messages correctly, the AppNotificationManager subclass of NotificationManager from ui-framework should be set to IModelAppOptions.notifications in the application's call to IModelApp.startup.

    // Use the AppNotificationManager subclass from ui-framework to get prompts and messages
    IModelApp.startup({notifications:  new AppNotificationManager()});

API Reference

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020