Workflows and Tasks

A Workflow is a defined sequence of tasks used to accomplish a goal. A Task is a specific piece of work to accomplish. A Task specifies a Frontstage to activate.

Defining a Task List

The following shows how to define a couple of Tasks and load them into the TaskManager. Each task references a Frontstage by an Id that has been registered with the FrontstageManager. When the Task is launched or activated, the Frontstage is also activated.

    const taskPropsList: TaskPropsList = {
      tasks: [
          id: "Task1",
          primaryStageId: "Test1",
          iconSpec: "icon-placeholder",
          labelKey: "SampleApp:backstage.task1",
          id: "Task2",
          primaryStageId: "Test2",
          iconSpec: "icon-placeholder",
          labelKey: "SampleApp:backstage.task2",


Defining a Workflow

The following shows how to define a Workflow and load it into the WorkflowManager. It references tasks Task1 and Task2 defined above.

    const workflowProps: WorkflowProps = {
      id: "ExampleWorkflow",
      iconSpec: "icon-placeholder",
      labelKey: "",
      defaultTaskId: "task1",
      tasks: ["Task1", "Task2"],


Launching a Task from the Backstage

A Task can be launched from the Backstage using the TaskLaunchBackstageItem Backstage item.

        <TaskLaunchBackstageItem workflowId="ExampleWorkflow" taskId="Task1"
          labelKey="SampleApp:backstage.viewIModelTask" descriptionKey="SampleApp:backstage.iModelStage"
          iconSpec="icon-placeholder" />

Setting a Workflow and Task active programmatically

A Task can be set active programmatically using WorkflowManager.setActiveWorkflowAndTask.

    const workflow = WorkflowManager.findWorkflow("ExampleWorkflow");
    if (workflow) {
      const task = workflow.getTask("Task1");
      if (task) {
        await WorkflowManager.setActiveWorkflowAndTask(workflow, task);

API Reference

Last Updated: 04 June, 2020