
A Widget is a collection of UI components tied to a particular zone that allows the user to view and/or modify data relevant to their current context. A Widget is hosted in either a Zone or StagePanel that are part of a Frontstage. The Widget React component is listed in the widgets Prop of a Zone React component or a StagePanel React component.

A label for the Widget may be specified using the label or labelKey prop. An icon may be specified using the iconSpec prop. The defaultState prop specifies the default state, which defaults to WidgetState.Open. An id prop may optionally be used to set an Id on a Widget that can be used to find the widget.

The content of the widget is ultimately a React component. The content may be specified for the Widget component two different ways: a WidgetControl or a React component. The control prop specifies a WidgetControl and the element prop specifies a React component. A WidgetControl contains a reactElement property, which is where the React component is specified. A WidgetControl is useful if you need to centralize some logic pertaining to the widget but outside the React component for the widget.

A widget may be either rectangular or free-form, and the isFreeform prop indicates this. The default is rectangular. A widget may be used for the Tool Settings or the Status Bar, and the isToolSettings and isStatusBar props indicates this. The default is false for both.

To make the widget fill the available space in the zone, set the fillZone prop to true.

The applicationData prop specifies JSON data attached to the Widget and WidgetDef.

The syncEventIds and stateFunc props may be used to set the state of the widget based on certain events and criteria. See SyncUi for more details.

Example Widget component listed in a Zone component

The following example shows a single Widget component in the center-right zone. An icon and label are specified. The widget is to fill the available space in the zone. The content of the widget comes from a TreeWidget class that subclasses WidgetControl. applicationData is defined, which is provided to the WidgetControl constructor via the options parameter.

  <Zone defaultState={ZoneState.Minimized} allowsMerging={true}
      <Widget iconSpec="icon-tree" labelKey="NineZoneSample:components.tree" fillZone={true}
          iModelConnection: NineZoneSampleApp.store.getState().sampleAppState!.currentIModelConnection,
          rulesetId: this._rulesetId,


A subclass of WidgetControl may be used to populate a widget. The reactElement property specifies the React component. The options parameter in the constructor contains the applicationData from the Widget component. The setWidgetState method may be called to set the state of the widget.

import * as React from "react";

import {
} from "@bentley/ui-framework";

import SimpleTreeComponent from "../components/Tree";

/** A widget control for displaying the Tree React component */
export class TreeWidget extends WidgetControl {
  constructor(info: ConfigurableCreateInfo, options: any) {
    super(info, options);

    if (options.iModelConnection) {
      this.reactElement = <SimpleTreeComponent imodel={options.iModelConnection} rulesetId={options.rulesetId} />;


A WidgetDef object is created for each Widget component in the frontstage. The WidgetDef contains properties and methods used to get information and change the state of the widget.

The following example demonstrates how to open a widget programmatically. The example assumes an id prop of "VerticalPropertyGrid" has been provided on the Widget component.

    const activeFrontstageDef = FrontstageManager.activeFrontstageDef;
    if (activeFrontstageDef) {
      const widgetDef = activeFrontstageDef.findWidgetDef("VerticalPropertyGrid");
      if (widgetDef) {

API Reference

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020