LinearReferencing Schema

Alias: lr

Version: 2.0.3

Base schema for Linear Referencing.

Contains the core classes enabling the specification of positions along linear objects.

The following class-diagram depicts the core mix-ins in the LinearReferencing schema:

LinearReferencing Mixins

The following class-diagram depicts the core aspect classes in the LinearReferencing schema:

LinearReferencing Aspects

Table of contents

Entity Classes

LinearLocation (Linear Location) Sealed EntityClass

ILinearLocationElement-implementation attaching Linear Referencing Location to a bis:Element not inherently Linearly-Referenced.

Base Class: LinearReferencing:LinearLocationElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

LinearLocationElement (Linear Location Element) Abstract EntityClass

Base class for ILinearLocationElement-implementations that are subclasses of bis:SpatialLocationElement.

Base Class: BisCore:SpatialLocationElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation

LinearLocationRecord (Linear Location Record) Sealed EntityClass

ILinearLocationElement-implementation attaching Linear Referencing Location to a bis:Element not inherently Linearly-Referenced.

Base Class: LinearReferencing:LinearLocationRecordElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json

LinearLocationRecordElement (Linear Location Record Element) Abstract EntityClass

Base class for ILinearLocationElement-implementations that are subclasses of bis:InformationRecordElement.

Base Class: BisCore:InformationRecordElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json

LinearPhysicalElement (Linearly-Located Physical Element) Abstract EntityClass

Base class for ILinearLocationElement-implementations that are subclasses of bis:PhysicalElement.

Base Class: BisCore:PhysicalElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
PhysicalMaterial Indicates the bis:PhysicalMaterial of which the bis:PhysicalElement is made. navigation

LinearlyLocatedAttribution (Linearly-Located Spatial Attribution) Abstract EntityClass

Base class for ILinearlyLocatedAttribution-implementations that are Spatial Location Elements.

Base Class: BisCore:SpatialLocationElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
AttributedElement Element being attributed. navigation

Instances of subclasses of LinearlyLocatedAttribution must be contained in either PhysicalModels or SpatialLocationModels.

LinearlyReferencedAtLocation (Linearly-Referenced At-Location) Sealed EntityClass

Concrete multi-aspect class carrying 'at' linearly-referenced positions along a Linear-Element.

Base Class: LinearReferencing:LinearlyReferencedLocation

Equivalent to IfcPointByDistanceExpression.


Name Description Type Extended Type
AtPosition struct
FromReferent navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

LinearlyReferencedFromToLocation (Linearly-Referenced From/To-Location) Sealed EntityClass

Concrete multi-aspect class carrying 'from/to' linearly-referenced positions along a Linear-Element.

Base Class: LinearReferencing:LinearlyReferencedLocation


Name Description Type Extended Type
FromPosition struct
FromPositionFromReferent navigation
ToPosition struct
ToPositionFromReferent navigation
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

LinearlyReferencedLocation (Linearly-Referenced Location) Abstract EntityClass

Base class for multi-aspects carrying linearly-referenced locations.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementMultiAspect

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Element The bis:Element that owns this bis:ElementMultiAspect. navigation

Referent (Referent) Sealed EntityClass

IReferent-implementation turning any bis:Element not inherently Linearly-Referenced into a Referent for Linear-Referencing purposes.

Base Class: LinearReferencing:ReferentElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
ReferencedElement navigation

ReferentElement (Referent Element) Abstract EntityClass

Base class for IReferent-implementations that are Spatial Location Elements.

Base Class: BisCore:SpatialLocationElement

Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type
Model The bis:Model that contains this bis:Element. navigation
LastMod The last modified time of the bis:Element. This is maintained by the core framework and should not be set directly by applications. dateTime
CodeSpec The CodeSpec property identifies the bis:CodeSpec used to generate and validate the code value for this bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeScope The CodeScope property identifies the bis:Element that provides the uniqueness scope for the code value. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. navigation
CodeValue The CodeValue property stores a human-readable real-world identifier of the Entity represented by the bis:Element. The combination of CodeSpec, CodeScope, and CodeValue properties must be unique for each bis:Element instance. string
UserLabel An optional friendly name given by the user (as opposed to the formal name stored in the CodeValue property). string
Parent The parent bis:Element that owns this bis:Element. navigation
FederationGuid The GUID used to federate this bis:Element across repositories. binary BeGuid
JsonProperties A string property that users and/or applications can use to persist ad hoc JSON values. string Json
Category The bis:SpatialCategory used to categorize this bis:GeometricElement3d navigation
InSpatialIndex If true, this element will have an entry in the Spatial Index. boolean
Origin The placement origin of this bis:Element. point3d
Yaw The Yaw angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Pitch The Pitch angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
Roll The Roll angle (in degrees) of the orientation of this bis:Element. double
BBoxLow The 'low' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
BBoxHigh The 'high' point of the element-aligned bounding box of this bis:Element. point3d
GeometryStream Binary stream used to persist the geometry of this bis:Element. binary GeometryStream
TypeDefinition Points to an instance of some specialization of TypeDefinition, which holds property values that vary per-type rather than per-instance of this Element. navigation
ReferencedElement navigation


ILinearElement (Linear-Element) Abstract Mixin

Mix-in to be supported by Element-subclasses meant to play the role of Linear-Elements.

Applies To: Element

A Linear-Element is a one-dimensional object that serves as the axis along which measurements are made.

Equivalent to IfcLinearPositioningElement.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
StartValue Distance along value at the start of the Linear-Element, measured from an absolute zero. Start Value false 0
LengthValue Length measure value for the Linear-Element. Length false 0
LinearElementSource Source element providing this Linear-Element. Source false 0

ILinearElementSource (Linear-Element Source) Abstract Mixin

Mix-in to be supported by Element-subclasses meant to provide Linear-Elements.

Applies To: Element

ILinearLocationElement (Linear-Location Element) Abstract Mixin

Mix-in to be supported by Element-subclasses located along a Linear-Element provided by a Linear-Element-Source.

Base Class: LinearReferencing:ILinearlyLocated

Applies To: Element

ILinearlyLocated (Linearly-Located Element) Abstract Mixin

Base mix-in for Elements to be linearly-referenced along Linear-Elements.

Applies To: Element

Implementations of the ILinearlyLocated mix-in are equivalent to IfcLinearPlacement.

ILinearlyLocatedAttribution (Linearly-Located Attribution) Abstract Mixin

Mix-in to be supported by Element-subclasses representing properties whose value is located along a Linear-Element and only applies to a portion of a Linear-Element-Source.

Base Class: LinearReferencing:ILinearlyLocated

Applies To: Element


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
AttributedElement Element being attributed. Attributed Element false 0
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type

IReferent Abstract Mixin

Mix-in to be supported by Element-subclasses that can play the role of a Referent (known location along a Linear-Element).

Base Class: LinearReferencing:ILinearlyLocated

Applies To: Element

Equivalent to IfcReferent. Note that IfcReferent is an IfcLinearPositioningElement, thus references to it use the same IfcRelPositions.RelatingPositioningElement than references to IfcLinearPositioningElement. On the other hand, a lr:IReferent is referenced from either a lr:LinearlyReferencedAtLocation or lr:LinearlyReferencedFromToLocation multi-aspects via their corresponding navigation properties.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
ReferencedElement Referenced Element false 0
Inherited properties
Name Description Type Extended Type

DistanceExpression StructClass

Core structure carrying linearly-referenced information.

The DistanceExpression structure allows measurements to be captured in absolute terms (with respect to the start of the Linear-Element) or relative to an lr:IReferent, or both.

The DistanceExpression structure is equivalent to IfcPointByDistanceExpression.

The LateralOffsetFromILinearElement and VerticalOffsetFromILinearElement values are assumed to be measured perpendicularly from the tangent on the Linear-Element calculated at the location indicated by DistanceAlongFromStart.

Values in the LateralOffsetFromILinearElement are assumed to be positive for lateral offsets to the right of the Linear-Element and negative for lateral offsets to its left, with respect to its direction from start.

Values in the VerticalOffsetFromILinearElement are assumed to be positive for vertical offsets above the Linear-Element and negative for vertical offsets below it.

These assumptions are equivalent to a IfcAxis2PlacementLinear with its Axis and RefDirection attributes describing a perpendicular to the tangent at the linear location of interest along the BasisCurve.


Name Description Label Category Read Only Priority
DistanceAlongFromStart Distance-along false 0
LateralOffsetFromILinearElement Lateral offset false 0
VerticalOffsetFromILinearElement Vertical offset false 0
DistanceAlongFromReferent Distance-along from Referent false 0

Relationship Classes

ILinearElementProvidedBySource RelationshipClass

Relationship associating Linear-Elements with the elements they came from.

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: provided by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: provides

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ILinearLocationLocatesElement RelationshipClass

Relationship indicating the bis:Element being linearly-located by a concrete instance mixing-in ILinearLocationElement.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementRefersToElements

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward

Equivalent to IfcLinearPlacement.PlacesObject.


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: linearly-locates

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: linearly-located by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ILinearlyLocatedAlongILinearElement RelationshipClass

Relationship indicating the Linear-Element along which concrete instances mixing-in ILinearlyLocated are located.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementRefersToElements

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward

Equivalent to IfcProduct.PositionedRelativeTo referencing an IfcLinearPositioningElement via IfcRelPositions.RelatingPositioningElement.

Note that IFC further requires an individual reference to the appropriate IfcCurve from each IfcPointByDistanceExpression via its BasisCurve attribute. In contrast, the LinearReferencing BIS schema considers such curves an implementation detail behind a concrete lr:ILinearElement realization in a particular domain, and therefore, it does not capture it.


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: along

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is linear axis for

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ILinearlyLocatedAttributesElement RelationshipClass

Relationship indicating the bis:Element being attributed by a concrete instance mixing-in ILinearlyLocatedAttribution.

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: attributes

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is attributed by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

ILinearlyLocatedOwnsAtLocations RelationshipClass

Relationship documenting multi-aspect ownership by concrete instances of ILinearlyLocated.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsMultiAspects

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

ILinearlyLocatedOwnsFromToLocations RelationshipClass

Relationship documenting multi-aspect ownership by concrete instances of ILinearlyLocated.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsMultiAspects

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (1..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: false

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

IReferentReferencesElement RelationshipClass

Relationship indicating the bis:Element being used as Referent for Linear Referencing purposes.

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: references

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

LinearlyReferencedAtPositionRefersToReferent RelationshipClass

Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced At position.

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

LinearlyReferencedFromPositionRefersToReferent RelationshipClass

Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced From position.

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

LinearlyReferencedToPositionRefersToReferent RelationshipClass

Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced To position.

Strength: Referencing

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: refers to

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is referenced by

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:

LocatedElementOwnsLocatingElements RelationshipClass

Relates a bis:Element that is not inherently linearly-located to child lr:ILinearLocationElements carrying Linear Referencing Locations for it.

Base Class: BisCore:ElementOwnsChildElements

Strength: Embedding

Strength Direction: Forward


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: owns

Multiplicity: (0..1)

Constraint Classes:


Is Polymorphic: true

Role Label: is owned by

Multiplicity: (0..*)

Constraint Classes:

Kind Of Quantities

LENGTH (Linear Referencing Length) KindOfQuantity

Relative Error: 0.0001

Persistence Unit: M

Presentation Formats

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024