ChangedElements Interface

Changed elements found in a changeset or between a range of changesets. All arrays in this object will have the same number of items. Each index for those arrays refer to the same element, e.g. to get the class Id of the element given by element Id changedElements.elements[index], you can use changedElements.classIds[index].


Name Type Description
classIds string[] ECClass Ids of elements that changed  
elements string[] Ids of elements that changed  
modelIds string[] | undefined Model Ids of the changed elements  
newChecksums number[][] | undefined After state checksums of the property value  
oldChecksums number[][] | undefined Before state checksums of the property value  
opcodes DbOpcode[] Operation that occurred on the element.  
parentClassIds string[] | undefined Parent ECClass Ids of the changed elements  
parentIds string[] | undefined Parent ids of the changed elements  
properties string[][] | undefined Property accessor strings of properties that changed, if any, for each changed element  
type TypeOfChange[] Type of change bitflags, see TypeOfChange  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 July, 2024