createArcPointTangentRadius MethodStatic

Create a circular arc from start point, tangent at start, radius, optional plane normal, arc sweep

  • The vector from start point to center is in the direction of upVector crossed with tangentA.

createArcPointTangentRadius(pointA: Point3d, tangentA: Vector3d, radius: number, upVector?: Vector3d, sweep?: Angle | AngleSweep): undefined | Arc3d

Parameter Type Description
pointA Point3d start point
tangentA Vector3d vector in tangent direction at the start
radius number signed radius.
upVector Vector3d optional out-of-plane vector. Defaults to positive Z
sweep Angle | AngleSweep angular range. If single Angle is given, start angle is at 0 degrees (the start point).

Returns - undefined | Arc3d

Defined in

Last Updated: 13 May, 2024