
Common classes and enums used across various UI components.


Name Description  
CheckBoxState State of a checkbox  
HorizontalAlignment Enumeration for horizontal alignment. Deprecated
Orientation Enumeration of orientation.  
SortDirection Enumeration for sorting direction. Deprecated
TimeFormat Enumeration of time formats.  
VerticalAlignment Enumeration for vertical alignment. Deprecated

Global Functions

Name Description  
withIsPressed withIsPressed is a React higher-order component that adds pointer and mouse events. Deprecated
withOnOutsideClick withOnOutsideClick is a React higher-order component that adds outside click support. Deprecated
withTimeout withTimeout is a React higher-order component that adds timeout support. Deprecated


Name Description  
CheckBoxInfo A data type that holds all the checkbox display attributes Deprecated
WithIsPressedProps Properties for withIsPressed React higher-order component Deprecated
WithOnOutsideClickProps Properties for withOnOutsideClick React higher-order component Deprecated
WithTimeoutProps Properties for withTimeout React higher-order component Deprecated

Last Updated: 28 June, 2024