PopupContextMenuProps Interface

Properties for PopupContextMenu component



Name Type Description
animate boolean | undefined Indicates whether to use animation for open/close (defaults to true)  
ariaLabel string | undefined accessibility label  
autoflip boolean | undefined Whether menu flips directions based on screen edge.  
children React.ReactNode | undefined ContextMenu items  
edgeLimit boolean | undefined Whether menu hugs screen edge when autoflip is off.  
hotkeySelect boolean | undefined Whether Hotkey press selects item, or just highlights item.  
isOpen boolean Indicates whether the popup is shown or not (defaults to false)  
left number | undefined Left position (absolute positioning - defaults to 0)  
offset number | undefined Offset from the parent (defaults to 4)  
onClose () => void | undefined Function called when the popup is closed  
onEnter () => void | undefined Function called when the popup is closed on Enter  
onEsc (event: React.KeyboardEvent<Element>) => void | undefined when Escape button is pressed  
onOpen () => void | undefined Function called when the popup is opened  
onOutsideClick (e: MouseEvent) => void | undefined Function called when user clicks outside the popup  
onSelect (event: React.MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>) => void | undefined When list item or submenu is selected  
position RelativePosition | undefined Direction (relative to the target) to which the popup is expanded (defaults to Bottom)  
selectedIndex number | undefined starting menu item selected index Default: -1  
target "null" | HTMLElement Target element to position popup  
top number | undefined Top position (absolute positioning - defaults to 0)  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
className string | undefined CommonProps Custom CSS class name
itemId string | undefined CommonProps Optional unique identifier for item.
style React.CSSProperties | undefined CommonProps Custom CSS style properties

Defined in

Last Updated: 15 July, 2024