
Set of classes used to perform validation on ECSchemas.


Name Description  
SchemaValidater Applies EC Rules, see ECRuleSet, to a given Schema and reports any violations.  
SchemaValidationVisitor A SchemaWalkerVisitor interface implementation that is used to validate ECObjects schemas using  


Name Description  
DiagnosticCodes The unique diagnostic codes for ECObjects rules.  
Diagnostics The list of IDiagnostic implementation classes used by the EC rule implementations.  
ECRuleSet All schema validation rules that fall under the category of ECObjects.  


Name Description  
BaseRuleSuppressionMap Interface used to represent elements of a rule suppression  
IRuleSet Interface used to represent logical collection of IRule instances.  
IRuleSuppressionMap Interface used to represent elements of a rule suppression  
IRuleSuppressionSet Interface used to represent logical collection of ISuppressionRule instances.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
IRule Interface used for all rule implementations used during schema validation.  
ISuppressionRule Interface used for all rule suppressions used during schema validation.  

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024