
Version: 4.15.3
Release Notes
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The imodel-components-react package contains React components that depend on the core-frontend, core-common or core-quantity packages. The components pertain to Color, Cube, LineWeight, Navigation Aids, Quantity Inputs, Timeline and Viewport.


Name Description
Color Classes and components for working with and picking a Color.
Common Common classes used across various UI components.
Cube Component for 3D Cube.
Inputs Input Components that format and parse input for IModelApps.
LineWeight Classes and components for working with and picking a Line Weight.
NavigationAids Classes and components for working with Navigation Aids.
PropertyEditors Classes and components for working with Property Editors.
Timeline Classes and components that provide a timeline
Viewport Classes and components for working with a Viewport.
All Displays the contents of all topics in this package.

Last Updated: 15 July, 2024