
Properties system for data input and formatting.


Name Description  
BaseQuantityDescription Base Quantity Property Description  
PropertyDescriptionHelper Helper class that builds property descriptions for specific PropertyEditors and processes descriptions.  
PropertyRecord PropertyRecord contains instance information about a Property, including a  


Name Description  
AlternateDateFormats Alternate Data Formats that can be provide by javascript.  
PropertyEditorParamTypes Enum for Property Editor Param Types  
PropertyValueFormat Enumeration for Format of the property value.  
StandardEditorNames Standard Editor Names for property editors.  
StandardTypeNames Standard Type Names for converters and editors.  
TimeDisplay Enum that defines supported time formats.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
isButtonGroupEditorParams ButtonGroupEditorParams type guard.  
isColorEditorParams ColorEditorParams type guard.  
isCustomFormattedNumberParams CustomFormattedNumberParams type guard.  
isIconListEditorParams IconListEditorParams type guard.  
isInputEditorSizeParams InputEditorSizeParams type guard.  
isSuppressLabelEditorParams SuppressLabelEditorParams type guard.  


Name Description  
ArrayValue Array property value  
BasePropertyEditorParams BasePropertyEditorParams Base interface for Property Editor Params  
BasePropertyValue Base interface for a property value  
ButtonGroupEditorParams ButtonGroupEditorParams Parameters used by EnumButtonGroupEditor to define icons in button group.  
ColorEditorParams ColorEditorParams Parameters used to populate color type editor with a specific set of colors.  
CustomFormattedNumberParams Parameters used with properties that want to control parsing and formatting.  
DateFormatter Interface used to provide a custom Date Time formatter and optional parser  
EnumerationChoice Information about an enumeration choice  
EnumerationChoicesInfo Information about a set of enumeration choices  
IconDefinition IconDefinition Information about an icon displayed next to a property editor.  
IconEditorParams Parameters used to display an icon next to property editor.  
IconListEditorParams IconListEditorParams Parameters used to populate icon type editor with a specific set of icons.  
ImageCheckBoxParams Parameters for ImageCheckBoxEditor  
InputEditorSizeParams InputEditorSizeParams type guard.  
LinkElementsInfo Properties for the PropertyRecord with link info supplied  
MultilineTextEditorParams Parameter that is used to indicate that a multiline text editor should be created.  
ParseResults defines Results of parsing a string input by a user into its desired value type  
PrimitiveValue Primitive property value  
PropertyConverterInfo Information about a Property Converter  
PropertyDescription PropertyDescription contains metadata about a Property  
PropertyEditorInfo Information about a Property Editor  
PropertyRendererInfo Property renderer identification and customization attributes  
RangeEditorParams Parameters used by PropertyEditors that support defining a minimum and maximum value.  
SliderEditorParams Parameters used to indicate that a Slider should be presented for the property  
StructValue Struct property value  
SuppressLabelEditorParams SuppressLabelEditorParams Parameters used to suppress the label for a type editor in the ToolSettings widget.  


Name Description  
Primitives Primitive Property Value Types.  

Type Aliases

Name Description  
PropertyEditorParams Type definition for Property Editor params  
PropertyValue Type for all property values  

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024