
APIs for working with IModelHub


Name Description  
LockConflict Exception thrown if lock cannot be acquired.  


Name Description  
LockState The state of a lock.  


Name Description  
AcquireNewBriefcaseIdArg Argument for acquiring a new BriefcaseId  
BriefcaseDbArg Argument for methods that must supply a briefcaseId and a changeset  
BriefcaseIdArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId and a BriefcaseId  
ChangesetArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId and a changeset  
ChangesetRangeArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId and a range of Changesets.  
CreateNewIModelProps Arguments to create a new iModel in iModelHub  
DownloadChangesetArg Argument for downloading a changeset.  
DownloadChangesetRangeArg Argument for downloading a changeset range.  
DownloadProgressArg Argument for cancelling and tracking download progress.  
IModelIdArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModelId  
IModelNameArg Argument for methods that must supply an IModel name and iTwinId  
ITwinIdArg Argument for methods that must supply an iTwinId  
LockProps The properties of a lock that may be obtained from a lock server.  

Last Updated: 15 May, 2024