PropertySpecification Interface

This specification allows overriding some attributes of specific ECProperty or define how it's displayed.

@see Property specification reference documentation page



Name Type Description
name string Name of the ECProperty to apply overrides to.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
categoryId string | CategoryIdentifier PropertyOverrides The attribute allows moving the property into a different category.
doNotHideOtherPropertiesOnDisplayOverride undefined | boolean PropertyOverrides This attribute controls whether making the property visible using PropertyOverrides.isDisplayed attribute should automatically hide
editor undefined | PropertyEditorSpecification PropertyOverrides Custom property editor specification that allows assigning
isDisplayed string | boolean PropertyOverrides This attribute controls whether the particular property is present in the result, even when it is marked as hidden in the
isReadOnly undefined | boolean PropertyOverrides This attribute controls whether the property field is read-only.
labelOverride undefined | string PropertyOverrides This is an attribute that allows overriding the property label.
overridesPriority undefined | number PropertyOverrides There may be multiple property specifications that apply to a single property and there may be conflicts between
priority undefined | number PropertyOverrides This attribute controls the order in which property fields should be displayed.
renderer undefined | CustomRendererSpecification PropertyOverrides Custom property renderer specification that allows assigning a

Defined in

Last Updated: 16 April, 2024