withStatusFieldProps Function

Deprecated  in 3.3. StatusFieldProps props are deprecated, using this is no longer necessary and will be removed.

HOC that injects values for StatusFieldProps.

withStatusFieldProps<P extends StatusFieldProps, C>(Component: (props: P) => | ReactElement<any, any> & C & (props: P) => Component<any, any, any> & C): (props: LibraryManagedAttributes<C, Omit<P, "isInFooterMode" | "onOpenWidget" | "openWidget">>) => Element

Parameter Type Description
Component (props: P) => | ReactElement<any, any> & C & (props: P) => Component<any, any, any> & C  

Returns - (props: LibraryManagedAttributes<C, Omit<P, "isInFooterMode" | "onOpenWidget" | "openWidget">>) => Element

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023