
APIs for loading and using Settings and Workspace resources


Name Description  
SettingsSchemas The registry of available SettingSchemaGroups. Beta


Name Description  
WorkspaceSetting The Settings used by Workspace api Beta


Name Description  
SettingsPriority Values for SettingsPriority determine the sort order for Settings. Beta


Name Description  
SettingInspector An entry in the array returned by Settings.inspectSetting Beta
SettingObject An object with string-named members (as opposed to an array object). Beta
Settings The current set of Settings for a Workspace. Beta
SettingSchema The properties of a single Setting, used by the settings editor. Beta
SettingSchemaGroup The properties of a group of SettingSchemas for an application. Beta
Workspace Settings and resources that customize an application for the current session. Beta
WorkspaceCloudCacheProps The properties of the CloudCache used for Workspaces. Beta
WorkspaceContainer A WorkspaceContainer holds WorkspaceDbs. Beta
WorkspaceDb A WorkspaceDb holds workspace resources. Beta
WorkspaceOpts Options for constructing a Workspace. Beta


Name Description  
WorkspaceAccount Types used to identify cloud accounts for Workspaces. Beta
WorkspaceContainer Beta
WorkspaceDb Beta
WorkspaceResource Types used to identify Workspace resources Beta

Type Aliases

Name Description  
DictionaryName The name of a SettingDictionary. Beta
SettingDictionary An object with Settings as its members. Beta
SettingName The name of a Setting. Beta
SettingType The type of a Setting, according to its schema Beta

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023