CustomToolbarItem Interface

Describes the data needed to insert a custom React button into an ToolbarWithOverflow.



Name Type Description
buttonNode undefined | ReactNode React node that must result in providing a PopupItem @deprecated in 3.x.  
keepContentsLoaded undefined | boolean If true the popup panel is mounted once and unmounted when button is unmounted.  
panelContentNode undefined | ReactNode defines the content to display in popup panel  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
applicationData Readonly undefined | any CustomButtonDefinition can be used by application to store miscellaneous data.
badgeType Readonly undefined | BadgeType CustomButtonDefinition Describes badge.
description Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue CustomButtonDefinition Optional description
groupPriority Readonly undefined | number CustomButtonDefinition Specifies the item's grouping value.
icon Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue CustomButtonDefinition Name of icon WebFont entry or if specifying an imported SVG symbol use "webSvg:" prefix to imported symbol Id.
id Readonly string CustomButtonDefinition Require uniqueId for the item.
internalData Readonly undefined | Map<string, any> CustomButtonDefinition optional data to used by item implementor.
isActive Readonly undefined | boolean CustomButtonDefinition Defines if the item is active (shown with an active stripe/bar).
isCustom Readonly "true" CustomButtonDefinition parameter that marks data as being a custom definition.
isDisabled Readonly boolean | ConditionalBooleanValue CustomButtonDefinition Describes if the item is enabled or disabled.
isHidden Readonly boolean | ConditionalBooleanValue CustomButtonDefinition Describes if the item is visible or hidden.
isPressed Readonly undefined | boolean CustomButtonDefinition Describes if the item should appear pressed (used for displaying toggle state).
itemPriority Readonly number CustomButtonDefinition Priority within a toolbar or group.
label Readonly string | ConditionalStringValue CustomButtonDefinition label, shown as tool tip on group button or a group button label in a group panel.
parentToolGroupId Readonly undefined | string CustomButtonDefinition Optional parent tool group to add tool.
providerId Readonly undefined | string CustomButtonDefinition id of UiItemsProvider

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023