
allSubCategoriesVisible: undefined | boolean

Indicates that geometry belonging to every SubCategory should be visible within the view. Each subcategory has a SubCategoryAppearance that specifies how its geometry is displayed. This includes a SubCategoryAppearance.invisible property that, when set to true, indicates the geometry should not be displayed at all. A view can override the appearances of any subcategories using a SubCategoryOverride. If allSubCategoriesVisible is true, ViewCreator3d will apply such an override to every viewed subcategory to change SubCategoryOverride.invisible to false, making every subcategory visible.

note Subcategories are typically set to invisible by default for a reason. Forcing them all to be visible may produce undesirable results, such as z-fighting between geometry on different subcategories that are not intended to be viewed together.

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023