getPlacements Method

Obtain the Placements of a set of GeometricElements.

getPlacements(elementIds: Iterable<string>, options?: Readonly<IModelConnection.GetPlacementsOptions>): Promise<Object[]>

@returns an array of placements, each having an additional elementId property identifying the element from which the placement was obtained.

@note Any Id that does not identify a geometric element with a valid bounding box and origin is omitted from the returned array.

Parameter Type Description
elementIds Iterable<string> The Ids of the elements whose placements are to be queried.
options Readonly<IModelConnection.GetPlacementsOptions> Options customizing how the placements are queried.

Returns - Promise<Object[]>

an array of placements, each having an additional elementId property identifying the element from which the placement was obtained.

Defined in

Last Updated: 16 April, 2024