CommandLaunchBackstageItemProps Interface

Deprecated  in 3.0. Use BackstageActionItem instead.

Properties for a CommandLaunchBackstageItem component


Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
execute(args?: any): any Optional CommandHandler Function to execute
getCommandArgs(): any[] Optional CommandHandler Function to get the parameters passed to the function
stateFunc(state: Readonly<BackstageItemState>): BackstageItemState Optional BackstageItemProps optional function to set state of backstage item


Name Type Description
commandId string Unique Id for this backstage item.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
className undefined | string BackstageItemProps Custom CSS class name
description string | StringGetter BackstageItemProps if set, it is used to explicitly set the description shown by a component.
descriptionKey undefined | string BackstageItemProps if set, it is used to define a key that is used to look up a localized string.
iconSpec undefined | IconSpec BackstageItemProps CSS class name or SvgSprite/SvgPath for icon.
isActive undefined | boolean BackstageItemProps if set, component will be shown with as the active item - defaults to false
isEnabled undefined | boolean BackstageItemProps if set, component will be enabled - defaults to true
itemId undefined | string BackstageItemProps Optional unique identifier for item.
label string | StringGetter BackstageItemProps if set, it is used to explicitly set the label shown by a component.
labelKey undefined | string BackstageItemProps if set, it is used to define a key that is used to look up a localized string.
parameters undefined | any CommandHandler Parameters passed to the function
stateSyncIds undefined | string[] BackstageItemProps optional SyncUi event ids that will trigger the state function to run.
style undefined | CSSProperties BackstageItemProps Custom CSS style properties
tooltip string | StringGetter BackstageItemProps used to explicitly set the tooltip shown by a component.
tooltipKey undefined | string BackstageItemProps if set, it is used to define a key that is used to look up a localized string.

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023