FeatureTable Class

Defines a look-up table for Features within a batched RenderGraphic. Consecutive 32-bit indices are assigned to each unique Feature. Primitives within the RenderGraphic can use per-vertex indices to specify the distribution of Features within the primitive. The appearance of individual features can be customized using FeatureOverrides. Typically a Tile will contain a feature table identifying the elements whose geometry appears within that tile.

see FeatureOverrides for customizing the appearance of individual features.



Name Description
constructor(maxFeatures: number, modelId: string = Id64.invalid, type: BatchType = BatchType.Primary): FeatureTable Construct an empty FeatureTable.  
findFeature(index: number): undefined | Feature Returns the Feature corresponding to the specified index, or undefined if the index is not present.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
clear(): void IndexMap Removes all elements from the map.
indexOf(value: Feature): number IndexMap Finds the index of an element equivalent to the supplied value.
insert(value: Feature, onInsert?: (value: Feature) => any): number IndexMap Attempt to insert a new value into the map.
lowerBound(value: Feature): { equal: boolean, index: number } Protected IndexMap  
toArray(): Feature[] IndexMap Return an array of the elements in this map in which the array index of each element corresponds to the index assigned to it by the map.


Name Type Description
isPlanarClassifier Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if this FeatureTable is associated with BatchType.PlanarClassifier geometry.  
isUniform Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if this FeatureTable contains exactly one Feature.  
isVolumeClassifier Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if this FeatureTable is associated with BatchType.VolumeClassifier geometry.  
maxFeatures Accessor ReadOnly number Returns the maximum number of Features this FeatureTable can contain.  
modelId Readonly string    
type Readonly BatchType    
uniform Accessor ReadOnly undefined | Feature If this FeatureTable contains exactly one Feature, returns that Feature; otherwise returns undefined.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_array Protected IndexedValue<Feature>[] IndexMap  
_clone ProtectedReadonly CloneFunction<Feature> IndexMap  
_compareValues ProtectedReadonly OrderedComparator<Feature, Feature> IndexMap  
_maximumSize ProtectedReadonly number IndexMap  
isEmpty Accessor ReadOnly boolean IndexMap Returns true if the map contains no elements.
isFull Accessor ReadOnly boolean IndexMap Returns true if the maximum number of elements have been inserted.
length Accessor ReadOnly number IndexMap The number of elements in the map.

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023