ElementGroupsMembers Class

An ElementRefersToElements relationship where one Element groups a set of other Elements.


Extended by


Name Description
constructor(props: ElementGroupsMembersProps, iModel: IModelDb): ElementGroupsMembers    
create<T extends ElementRefersToElements<T>>(iModel: IModelDb, sourceId: string, targetId: string, memberPriority: number = 0): T Static Create an instance of the Relationship.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
collectReferenceIds(referenceIds: EntityReferenceSet): void Protected ElementRefersToElements Collect the Ids of this entity's references at this level of the class hierarchy.
delete(): void ElementRefersToElements Delete this Relationship from the iModel.
forEachProperty(func: PropertyCallback, includeCustom: boolean = true): void ElementRefersToElements Call a function for each property of this Entity.
getReferenceIds(): EntityReferenceSet ElementRefersToElements Get the set of this entity's entity references, EntityReferenceSet.
insert(): string ElementRefersToElements Insert this Relationship into the iModel.
toJSON(): RelationshipProps ElementRefersToElements Obtain the JSON representation of this Entity.
update(): void ElementRefersToElements Update this Relationship in the iModel.
getInstance<T extends Relationship<T>>(iModel: IModelDb, criteria: string | SourceAndTarget): T Static ElementRefersToElements  
insert<T extends ElementRefersToElements<T>>(iModel: IModelDb, sourceId: string, targetId: string): string Static ElementRefersToElements Insert a new instance of the Relationship.
is(otherClass: undefined): boolean Static ElementRefersToElements return whether this Entity class is a subclass of another Entity class
onDeletedDependency(_props: RelationshipProps, _iModel: IModelDb): void Static ElementRefersToElements Callback invoked by saveChanges on an ElementDrivesElement relationship when the relationship instance has been deleted.
onRootChanged(_props: RelationshipProps, _iModel: IModelDb): void Static ElementRefersToElements Callback invoked by saveChanges on an ElementDrivesElement relationship when its input has changed or is the output of some upstream relationship whose input has changed.


Name Type Description
memberPriority number    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
classFullName Accessor ReadOnly string ElementRefersToElements Get the full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "schema:class".
classFullName Accessor StaticReadOnly string ElementRefersToElements Get the full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "schema:class"
className Accessor ReadOnly string ElementRefersToElements The name of the BIS class associated with this class.
id string ElementRefersToElements The Id of this Entity.
iModel IModelDb ElementRefersToElements The IModelDb that contains this Entity
isInstanceOfEntity Readonly "true" ElementRefersToElements An immutable property used to discriminate between Entity and EntityProps, used to inform the TypeScript compiler that these two types
schema Static undefined ElementRefersToElements The Schema that defines this class.
schemaName Accessor ReadOnly string ElementRefersToElements The name of the BIS Schema that defines this class
sourceId Readonly string ElementRefersToElements  
targetId Readonly string ElementRefersToElements  

Defined in

Last Updated: 16 April, 2024