Workspace Namespace


Name Description
Workspace.SettingsDictionaryLoaded Arguments supplied to onSettingsDictionaryLoadedFn for every SettingsDictionary that is loaded from a WorkspaceDb.

Type alias

Name Description
Workspace.DbListFilter In arguments supplied to getWorkspaceDbs and resolveWorkspaceDbSetting, an optional function used to exclude some
Workspace.DbListOrSettingName Either an array of WorkspaceDbCloudProps or the name of a Setting that resolves to an array of WorkspaceDbCloudProps.


Name Description
Workspace.exceptionDiagnosticFn A function invoked to handle exceptions produced while loading workspace data.
Workspace.getBlobResource Searches a list of WorkspaceDbs for a blob resource of a given name.
Workspace.getStringResource Searches a list of WorkspaceDbs for a string resource of a given name.
Workspace.onSettingsDictionaryLoadedFn A function invoked each time any SettingsDictionary is loaded from a WorkspaceDb.
Workspace.queryResources Query a list of WorkspaceDbs to find resources of a particular type with names matching a specified pattern.

Defined in

Workspace Interface

Settings and resources that customize an application for the current session. See the learning article for a detailed overiew and examples.


Name Description
getCloudCache(): CloudSqlite.CloudCache Get the cloud cache for cloud-based WorkspaceContainers.  
getContainer(props: GetWorkspaceContainerArgs): WorkspaceContainer Get a WorkspaceContainer with a supplied access token.  
getContainerAsync(props: WorkspaceContainerProps): Promise<WorkspaceContainer> Obtain the WorkspaceContainer specified by props.  
getWorkspaceDb(props: WorkspaceDbCloudProps): Promise<WorkspaceDb> Get a single WorkspaceDb.  
getWorkspaceDbs(args: Workspace.DbListOrSettingName & { filter?: Workspace.DbListFilter, problems?: WorkspaceDbLoadError[] }): Promise<WorkspaceDb[]> Get a sorted array of WorkspaceDbs that can be used to query or load resources.  
loadSettingsDictionary(props: WorkspaceDbSettingsProps | WorkspaceDbSettingsProps[], problems?: WorkspaceDbLoadError[]): Promise<void> Load a SettingsDictionary from the specified WorkspaceDb and add it to this workspace's current Settings.  
resolveWorkspaceDbSetting(settingName: string, filter?: Workspace.DbListFilter): WorkspaceDbCloudProps[] Resolve the value of all Settings from this workspace with the supplied settingName into an array of WorkspaceDbCloudProps  


Name Type Description
settings Readonly Settings The current Settings for this Workspace  

Defined in

Last Updated: 06 September, 2024