FooterPopupProps Interface


Deprecated  in 3.5. Props of a deprecated component.

Properties of FooterPopup component.


Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
onClose(): void Optional Partial Function called when the popup is closed
onContextMenu(e: MouseEvent): void Optional Partial Function called when the right mouse button is pressed
onEnter(): void Optional Partial Function called when the popup is closed on Enter
onOpen(): void Optional Partial Function called when the popup is opened
onOutsideClick(e: MouseEvent): void Optional Partial Function called when user clicks outside the popup
onWheel(e: WheelEvent): void Optional Partial Function called when the wheel is used


Name Type Description
contentType FooterPopupContentType Describes content type.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
animate undefined | boolean Partial Indicates whether to use animation for open/close (defaults to true)
ariaLabel undefined | string Partial accessibility label
className undefined | string Partial Custom CSS class name
closeOnContextMenu undefined | boolean Partial Indicates whether to close the popup when the right mouse button is pressed (defaults to true)
closeOnEnter undefined | boolean Partial Indicates whether to close the popup when Enter is pressed (defaults to true)
closeOnNestedPopupOutsideClick undefined | boolean Partial If false outside click processing and closing are skipped if click occurs in another Popup component, default to false.
closeOnWheel undefined | boolean Partial Indicates whether to close the popup when the wheel is used (defaults to true)
focusTarget string | RefObject<HTMLElement> Partial Element to receive focus, specified by React.RefObject or CSS selector string.
isOpen undefined | boolean Partial Indicates whether the popup is shown or not (defaults to false)
isPinned undefined | boolean Partial Indicates whether the popup is pinned.
itemId undefined | string Partial Optional unique identifier for item.
keepContentsMounted undefined | boolean Partial If true the children are mounted once and unmounted when this component is unmounted.
left undefined | number Partial Left position (absolute positioning - defaults to 0)
moveFocus undefined | boolean Partial set focus to popup - default to not set focus
offset undefined | number Partial Offset from the parent (defaults to 4)
position undefined | RelativePosition Partial Direction (relative to the target) to which the popup is expanded (defaults to Bottom)
repositionOnResize undefined | boolean Partial If true the popup will remain open and will be repositioned when window resize events occur, default to false.
role "dialog" | "alert" | "alertdialog" Partial Role - if not specified "dialog" is used
showArrow undefined | boolean Partial Show or hide the arrow (defaults to false)
showShadow undefined | boolean Partial Show or hide the box shadow (defaults to true)
style undefined | CSSProperties Partial Custom CSS style properties
target | HTMLElement Partial Target element to position popup
top undefined | number Partial Top position (absolute positioning - defaults to 0)

Defined in

Last Updated: 20 June, 2023