
Interactive- and immediate-mode tools, most of which can be executed via key-in. All key-ins are documented in the package's README.


Name Description  
AnimationIntervalTool Changes the IModelApp.animationInterval.  
ApplyRenderingStyleTool Given a "rendering style" as a partial DisplayStyle3dSettingsProperties JSON string, apply it to the selected viewport's display style.  
ApplyViewByIdTool Given the Id of a persistent ViewDefinition, applies that view to the active viewport.  
ApplyViewTool Given a string containing a JSON representation of a ViewState, applies that ViewState to the active viewport.  
AttachArcGISFeatureMapLayerByUrlTool This tool attaches an ArcGIS map layer from a given URL.  
AttachArcGISMapLayerByUrlTool This tool attaches an ArcGIS map layer from a given URL.  
AttachCesiumAssetTool Attach a cesium asset from the Ion ID and key.  
AttachMapLayerTool This tool add a Map Layer from a specified name (look up in MapLayerSources.json).  
AttachMapOverlayTool This tool attaches a Overlay map layer.  
AttachModelMapLayerTool Attach a map layer from URL base class.  
AttachOgcApiFeaturesMapLayerTool This tool attaches an ArcGIS map layer from a given URL.  
AttachRealityModelTool This tool attaches a specified reality model.  
AttachTileURLMapLayerByUrlTool This tool attaches a map layer from a given tile URL.  
AttachWmsMapLayerByUrlTool This tool attaches a WMS map layer from a given URL.  
AttachWmtsMapLayerByUrlTool This tool attaches a WMTS map layer from a given URL.  
ChangeBackgroundColorTool Change the background color of the active viewport and optionally its transparency.  
ChangeCameraTool Change the camera settings of the selected viewport.  
ChangeEmphasisSettingsTool Changes the selected viewport's emphasis settings.  
ChangeFlashSettingsTool Changes the FlashSettings for the selected Viewport.  
ChangeHiliteModeTool Changes the ModelSubCategoryHiliteMode for the HiliteSet associated with the selected Viewport.  
ChangeHiliteSettingsTool Changes the selected viewport's hilite settings, or resets to defaults.  
ChangeHiliteTool Changes the selected viewport's hilite or emphasis settings.  
ChangePlanProjectionSettingsTool Changes plan projection settings for one or more models.  
ChangeUnitsTool Controls whether quantities are formatted using imperial or metric units.  
ChangeViewFlagsTool Modifies the selected viewport's ViewFlags.  
ClearEmphasizedElementsTool Reset EmphasizeElements for the active Viewport.  
ClearIsolatedElementsTool Clear the set of isolated elements.  
ClearModelAppearanceOverrides clear model appearance overrides in display style.  
ClearRealityModelAppearanceOverrides Clear reality model appearance override in display style.  
ClipColorTool This tool specifies or un-specifies a clip color to use for pixels inside or outside the clip region.  
ClipIntersectionTool This tool specifies or un-specifies a color and width to use for pixels within the specified width of a clip plane.  
CompileShadersTool Compiles all registered shader programs for which compilation has not already been attempted.  
DefaultTileSizeModifierTool Sets the default tile size modifier used for all viewports that don't explicitly override it.  
DetachMapLayersTool Detach Map Layers Tool.  
DetachRealityModelTool Detach reality model from display style.  
DisplayStyleTool Modifies the selected viewport's DisplayStyleState.  
DumpPlanProjectionSettingsTool Dumps a JSON representation of the plan projection settings for the current viewport.  
DumpSelectionSetTool A tool that outputs the Ids of the elements in the SelectionSet of the IModelConnection associated with the selected Viewport.  
ElementIdFromSourceAspectIdTool Given the Id of an element in the iModel, output the source aspect Id of the object in the source document from which the element originated.  
EmphasizeElementsTool Applies the EmphasizeElements API in some way to the selected Viewport.  
EmphasizeSelectedElementsTool If any elements are selected, emphasize them all by overriding their color to be orange; and de-emphasize all other elements by drawing them transparent grey.  
EmphasizeVisibleElementsTool Emphasize the set of elements currently visible in the view based on Viewport.queryVisibleFeatures.  
FadeOutTool Enables or disables fade-out transparency mode for the selected viewport.  
FreezeSceneTool Freeze or unfreeze the scene for the selected viewport.  
FrustumDecorator Decorates the viewport with a graphical depiction of a Frustum.  
InspectElementTool Creates a readable text summary of a geometric element or geometry part.  
IsolateSelectedElementsTool Isolate all selected elements so that only those elements will be drawn.  
LoseWebGLContextTool Forces webgl context loss.  
MapBaseColorTool This tool changes the color of the base map.  
MapBaseTransparencyTool This tool changes the transparency of the base map.  
MapBaseVisibilityTool This tool changes the visibility of the base map.  
MapLayerSubLayerVisibilityTool This tool sets the visibility of the map sublayer.  
MapLayerTransparencyTool This tool sets the transparency of a map layer.  
MapLayerVisibilityTool This tool sets the visibility of the map layer.  
MapLayerZoomTool This tool changes the viewport so it is zoomed to the range of a map layer.  
MaskBackgroundMapByElementTool Tool to mask background map by elements  
MaskBackgroundMapByExcludedElementTool Tool to mask background map by excluded elements  
MaskBackgroundMapByModelTool Tool to mask background map by geometric models  
MaskBackgroundMapBySubCategoryTool Tool to mask background map by SubCategories  
MaskRealityModelByElementTool Tool to mask reality model by elements  
MaskRealityModelByExcludedElementTool Tool to mask reality model by excluded elements  
MaskRealityModelByModelTool Tool to mask reality model by geometric models  
MaskRealityModelBySubCategoryTool Tool to mask reality model by SubCategories  
MeasureTileLoadTimeTool Unloads all tile trees, then starts a timer that stops when all tile trees and tiles required for the view are ready.  
OverrideSubCategoryPriorityTool Changes subcategory display priority.  
OverrideSubCategoryTool Apply appearance overrides to one or more subcategories in the active viewport.  
PlanarMaskBaseTool Base class for the reality model planar masking tools.  
QueryScheduleScriptTool Query the schedule script JSON from an element.  
RealityTransitionTool This tool applies a transition in X, Y, Z, or transparency.  
RenderSystemDebugControlTool Executes some code against a RenderSystemDebugControl obtained from the IModelApp's RenderSystem.  
RenderTargetDebugControlToggleTool Toggles some aspect of a RenderTargetDebugControl for the selected viewport.  
RenderTargetDebugControlTool Executes some code against a RenderTargetDebugControl obtained from the selected viewport.  
ReorderMapLayers This tool reorders map layers.  
ReportWebGLCompatibilityTool Queries the client's level of compatibility with the rendering system and outputs it to NotificationManager.  
ReverseScheduleScriptTool A tool that modifies the RenderSchedule.Script, if any, associated with the selected Viewport such that the entries in each  
SaveRealityModelTool This tool saves a reality model's JSON representation to the system clipboard.  
SaveRenderingStyleTool Outputs (and optionally copies to the clipboard) a "rendering style" as a partial DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps JSON object based  
SaveViewTool Copies a JSON representation of the active viewport's view to the clipboard.  
SelectElementsByIdTool Replaces the contents of the selection set with the set of element Ids specified.  
SetAASamplesTool Set the number of antialiasing samples to use (<=1 for no antialiasing).  
SetAspectRatioSkewTool This tool sets the aspect ratio skew for the selected viewport.  
SetGpuMemoryLimitTool Adjust the value of TileAdmin.gpuMemoryLimit.  
SetHigherPriorityRealityModelMasking Tool to mask reality model by higher priority models.  
SetMapBaseTool Sets map layer base tool.  
SetMapHigherPriorityMasking Set Map Masking by selected models.  
SetModelColorTool Set model appearance override for color in display style.  
SetModelEmphasizedTool Set model appearance override for emphasized in display style.  
SetModelIgnoresMaterialsTool Set model appearance override for ignoreMaterials in display style.  
SetModelLineCodeTool Set model appearance override for line code in display style.  
SetModelLineWeightTool Set model appearance override for line weight in display style.  
SetModelLocateTool Set model appearance override for nonLocatable in display style.  
SetModelTransparencyTool Set model appearance override for transparency in display style.  
SetRealityModelColorTool Set reality model appearance override for color in display style.  
SetRealityModelEmphasizedTool Set reality model appearance override for emphasized in display style.  
SetRealityModelLocateTool Set reality model appearance override for locatable in display style.  
SetRealityModelTransparencyTool Set reality model appearance override for transparency in display style.  
SetScheduleScriptTool A tool that changes or removes the RenderSchedule.Script associated with the selected Viewport.  
ShowTileVolumesTool Set the tile bounding volume decorations to display in the selected viewport.  
SkyCubeTool Defines a SkyCube to apply to the current view.  
SkySphereTool Defines a SkySphere to apply to the current view.  
SourceAspectIdFromElementIdTool Given a source aspect Id, output the Id of the corresponding element in the iModel.  
SourceAspectIdTool Base class for a tool that can convert between source aspect Ids and element Ids.  
TestClipStyleTool Simple tool that toggles a hard-coded clip style overriding various aspects of the cut geometry appearance.  
Toggle3dManipulationsTool Changes the allow3dManipulations flag for the selected viewport if the viewport is displaying a ViewState3d.  
ToggleDPIForLODTool Toggles whether or not device pixel ratio should be taken into account when computing LOD for tiles and decoration graphics.  
ToggleDrapeFrustumTool Turn on the display of the draping frustum.  
ToggleDrawingGraphicsTool Toggles display of 2d graphics in a DrawingViewState.  
ToggleFrustumSnapshotTool Enable ("ON"), disable ("OFF"), or toggle ("TOGGLE" or omitted) the FrustumDecorator.  
ToggleMaskFrustumTool Turn on the display of the planar mask frustum.  
ToggleNormalMaps Toggles support for normal maps.  
ToggleOSMBuildingDisplay Turn on/off display of OpenStreetMap buildings  
TogglePrimitiveVisibilityTool Control whether all geometry renders, or only instanced or batched geometry.  
ToggleProjectExtentsTool Enable or disable project extents decoration.  
ToggleReadPixelsTool Toggles between normal rendering and rendering as if drawing to an off-screen framebuffer for element locate.  
ToggleRealityTileBounds Turn on display of reality tile boundaries.  
ToggleRealityTileFreeze Freeze loading of reality tiles.  
ToggleRealityTileLogging Turn on logging of console tile selection and loading (to console).  
ToggleRealityTilePreload Turn on display of reality tile preload debugging.  
ToggleSectionCutTool Controls a view state's view details' flag for producing cut geometry for a clip style.  
ToggleSectionDrawingSpatialViewTool Toggles whether a SectionDrawing's spatial view is always displayed along with the 2d graphics by a DrawingViewState, even  
ToggleSelectedViewFrustumTool Enable ("ON"), disable ("OFF"), or toggle ("TOGGLE" or omitted) the selected view frustum decoration.  
ToggleShadowFrustumTool Toggle visualization of the selected viewport's shadow frustum in all other viewports.  
ToggleSkyboxTool Toggles the skybox.  
ToggleTerrainTool This tool toggles whether to apply terrain heights to the map.  
ToggleTileRequestDecorationTool Display in every viewport a range graphic for every tile currently being requested for the viewport that was initially selected when the decorator was installed.  
ToggleTileTreeBoundsDecorationTool Display in every viewport a green range graphic for each displayed tile tree, plus a red range graphic for each tile tree's content range if defined.  
ToggleTileTreeReferencesTool Sets or unsets or flips the deactivated state of one or more tile tree references within the selected viewport.  
ToggleToolTipsTool Replaces the default tooltips displayed when mousing over elements to instead display information useful for debugging, including  
ToggleViewAttachmentBoundariesTool Toggle display of view attachment boundaries in sheet views.  
ToggleViewAttachmentClipShapesTool Toggle display of view attachment clip shapes in sheet views.  
ToggleViewAttachmentsTool Toggles display of view attachments in sheet views.  
ToggleVolClassIntersect Toggles support for intersecting volume classifiers.  
ToggleWiremeshTool Toggle whether surfaces display with overlaid wiremesh in the active viewport.  
UnmaskMapTool Unmask Mask.  
UnmaskRealityModelTool Remove masks from reality model.  
ViewportAddRealityModel This tool adds a reality model to the viewport.  
ViewportTileSizeModifierTool Sets or clears the tile size modifier override for the selected viewport.  
ViewportToggleTool Base class for a tool that toggles some aspect of a Viewport.  
WoWIgnoreBackgroundTool Set whether background color is ignored when applying white-on-white reversal.  

Global Functions

Name Description  
deserializeViewState Instantiate a ViewState serialized by [serializeViewState].  
parseArgs Given a list of arguments, parse the arguments into name-value pairs.  
serializeViewState Serialize a ViewState to JSON.  
toggleProjectExtents Enable or disable the project extents decoration.  


Name Description  
ToolArgs Represents parsed arguments as name-value pairs.  

Last Updated: 08 July, 2024