DropTargetArguments<DragDropObject> Interface



Interface for arguments supplied to DropTarget callbacks, including onDropTargetOver, onDropTargetDrop, and canDropTargetDrop.



Name Type Description
dropLocation undefined | DragDropObject Object that is being dropped onto, using the data structure relevant to object being used.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
clientOffset { x: number, y: number } DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Current mouse position.
col undefined | number DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> specifies the col to be dropped onto.
dataObject DragDropObject DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Arbitrary data being transferred.
defaultDragLayer undefined | ComponentType<DragLayerProps<DragDropObject>> DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject>  
dragRect undefined | ClientRect DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> ClientRect object of dragSource.
dropEffect DropEffects DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Drop Effect of current drag
dropRect undefined | ClientRect DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> ClientRect object of current dropTarget, if available.
dropStatus DropStatus DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Status of current drop
initialClientOffset { x: number, y: number } DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Mouse position at beginning of drag.
initialSourceClientOffset undefined | { x: number, y: number } DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Position of top left corner of current dragSource, measured at beginning of drag.
local undefined | boolean DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> determines whether item is dropped on same structure as the drag source, or a different structure.
parentObject undefined | DragDropObject DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Parent object, using the data structure relevant to object being used.
row undefined | number DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> specifies the row to be dropped onto.
sourceClientOffset undefined | { x: number, y: number } DragSourceArguments<DragDropObject> Current mouse position, offset by the difference between initial mouse position and initial dragSource offset.

Defined in

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022