

Name Description
AccessToken Token issued by DelegationSecureTokenService for API access Beta
AuthenticationError Error for issues with authentication. Beta
AuthorizedClientRequestContext Provides generic context for a server application to get details of a particular request that originated at the client.
ChunkedQueryContext Context for holding chunked query data. Beta
Client Base class for all Client implementations Beta
ECInstance Base class for all typed instances mapped to ECInstance-s in an ECDb Beta
ImsAuthorizationClient Beta
RequestGlobalOptions Beta
ResponseError Error object that's thrown/rejected if the Request fails due to a network error, or if the status is not in the range of 200-299 (inclusive) Beta
SasUrlExpired Error thrown when sas-url provided for download has expired Beta
UserInfo Information on the authenticated user. Beta
WsgClient Base class for Client implementations of services that are based on WSG Beta
WsgError Error that was returned by a WSG based service. Beta
WsgInstance Base class for all typed instances mapped to ECInstance-s in both an ECDb, and the WSG repository Beta
WsgQuery Base class for Query objects. Beta


Name Description
requestIdHeaderName Beta


Name Description
IncludePrefix Option to specify if the prefix identifying the token is included when serializing the access token. Beta
ITwinClientLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package Beta

Global Functions

Name Description
isAuthorizedClientRequestContext AuthorizedClientRequestContext type guard. Beta


Name Description
AccessTokenProps Properties for transmitting AccessTokens between processes Beta
AuthorizationClient Interface to provide authorization information Beta
AuthorizedClientRequestContextProps The properties of AuthorizedClientRequestContext. Beta
AuthorizedSession Beta
AuthorizedSessionProps The properties of AuthorizedSession. Beta
CancelRequest Interface to cancel a request Beta
FileHandler Handler for file system, and upload / download. Beta
HttpRequestOptions Additional options used for requests Beta
ProgressInfo Beta
RequestBasicCredentials Beta
RequestOptions Beta
RequestQueryOptions Typical option to query REST API. Beta
RequestQueryStringifyOptions Beta
RequestTimeoutOptions Option to control the time outs Beta
Response Response object if the request was successful. Beta
UserInfoProps Beta
WsgRequestOptions Options for WSG requests sent to the service Beta

Type Aliases

Name Description
ChangeState Beta

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022