

Name Description
ActionButtonItemDef Abstract base class that is used by classes to execute an action when pressed.
ActionItemButton A Toolbar button React Component that executes an action defined by a CommandItemDef or a ToolItemDef.
ActiveContentChangedEvent Active Content Changed Event class.
ActivityCenterField Activity Center Field React component.
ActivityMessageCancelledEvent Activity Message Cancelled Event class.
ActivityMessageUpdatedEvent Activity Message Added Event class.
AnalysisAnimationTimelineDataProvider Analysis Timeline Data Provider - Allows a TimelineComponent to animate the AnalysisStyle information stored in a ViewState.
AppNotificationManager The AppNotificationManager class is a subclass of NotificationManager in @bentley/imodeljs-frontend.
AppUiSettings These are the UI settings that are stored in the Redux store. Beta
Backstage Backstage React component.
BackstageEvent Backstage Event class.
BackstageItemUtilities Utilities for creating and maintaining backstage items Beta
BackstageManager Controls backstage. Beta
BooleanSyncUiListener A component that expect its children to be a function that will be passed the current boolValue state.
ChildWindowManager Supports opening a child browser window from the main application window. Beta
CommandItemDef An Item that executes a Command.
CommandLaunchBackstageItem Backstage item that launches a Command
ConditionalField A component that expects its children to be a function that will be passed the current component Props.
ConfigurableBase The base class for all ConfigurableUi elements
ConfigurableCreateInfo Information for creating a ConfigurableUi element
ConfigurableUiControl The abstract base class for all Frontstage controls.
ConfigurableUiManager Configurable Ui Manager maintains controls, Frontstages, Content Groups, Content Layouts, Tasks and Workflows.
ContentControl The base class for Frontstage content controls.
ContentControlActivatedEvent ContentControl Activated Event class.
ContentGroup ContentGroup class.
ContentGroupManager ContentGroup Manager class.
ContentLayout Content Layout React component.
ContentLayoutActivatedEvent Content Layout Activated Event class.
ContentLayoutDef Content Layout Definition class.
ContentLayoutManager ContentLayout Manager class.
ContentViewManager Content View Manager class.
CoreTools Utility Class that provides definitions of tools provided by iModel.js core.
CubeNavigationAidControl Navigation Aid that displays an interactive rotation cube for Spatial views that synchronizes with the rotation of the iModel Viewport
CursorInformation Cursor Information class
CursorPopup CursorPopup React component
CursorPopupManager CursorPopup component
CursorPopupRenderer CursorPopupRenderer React component.
CursorUpdatedEvent Cursor Updated Event class.
CustomItemDef An Item that renders a React component.
DefaultNavigationWidget Default Navigation Widget for zone 3. Beta
DialogChangedEvent Dialog Changed Event class.
DragDropLayerChangedEvent Drag/Drop Layer Changed Event class. Beta
DragDropLayerManager Drag/Drop Layer Manager class. Beta
DragDropLayerRendererComponent DragDropLayerRenderer component. Beta
DrawingNavigationAidControl Navigation Aid that displays an interactive mini-map for Drawing views that synchronizes with the iModel Viewport. Beta
ElementTooltip ElementTooltip React component.
ElementTooltipChangedEvent ElementTooltip Changed Event class.
ExpandableSection Expandable Section React component used by ListPickerBase Beta
FooterModeField A component that renders its children if the StatusBar is in Footer mode.
FrameworkUiAdmin The UiAdmin controls various UI components and is callable from IModelApp.uiAdmin in the imodeljs-frontend package.
Frontstage Frontstage React component.
FrontstageActivatedEvent Frontstage Activated Event class.
FrontstageComposer FrontstageComposer React component.
FrontstageDeactivatedEvent Frontstage Deactivated Event class.
FrontstageDef FrontstageDef class provides an API for a Frontstage.
FrontstageLaunchBackstageItem Backstage item that activates a Frontstage
FrontstageManager Frontstage Manager class.
FrontstageProvider Provides a Frontstage as a React based definition
FrontstageReadyEvent Frontstage Ready Event class.
GroupItemDef An Item that opens a group of items.
HideIsolateEmphasizeActionHandler Interface for class that handles Hide, Isolate, and Emphasize Actions
HideIsolateEmphasizeManager Provides helper functions for doing commands on logical selection like categories and subjects.
IModelAppUiSettings Alias for UserSettingsStorage Beta
IModelViewportControl iModel Viewport Control Beta
Indicator General-purpose Footer indicator. Beta
InputFieldMessage InputField message pops up near pointer when attempting an invalid interaction.
InputFieldMessageAddedEvent Input Field Message Added Event class
InputFieldMessageRemovedEvent Input Field Message Removed Event class.
ItemDefBase The base class for Items.
ItemList Contains a list of Items.
ItemMap Contains a map of Items.
KeyboardShortcut Keyboard Shortcut used to execute an action
KeyboardShortcutContainer Keyboard Shortcut Container
KeyboardShortcutManager Keyboard Shortcut Manager
KeyboardShortcutMenu React component that displays a context menu at the cursor containing keyboard shortcuts.
KeyboardShortcutMenuEvent KeyboardShortcut Menu Event class.
KeyinBrowser Component used to allow users to select, provide arguments, and execute a key-in. Beta
ListPicker List Picker that lets the user pick from a list of items to enable/disable Beta
ListPickerBase List picker base class. Beta
ListPickerItem List Picker Item React component Beta
MarkupTools Utility Class that provides definitions of tools provided by imodeljs-markup package.
MessageAddedEvent Message Added Event class.
MessageCenterField Message Center Field React component.
MessageManager The MessageManager class manages messages and prompts.
MessagesUpdatedEvent Messages Updated Event class.
ModalDialogChangedEvent Modal Dialog Changed Event class.
ModalDialogManager Modal Dialog Manager class displays and manages multiple modal dialogs
ModalDialogRenderer ModalDialogRenderer React component renders modal dialogs
ModalFrontstage ModalFrontstage React component
ModalFrontstageChangedEvent Modal Frontstage Stack Changed Event class.
ModalFrontstageClosedEvent Modal Frontstage Closed Event class.
ModelessDialog Modeless Dialog React component uses the Dialog component with a modal={false} prop.
ModelessDialogChangedEvent Modeless Dialog Changed Event class.
ModelessDialogManager Modeless Dialog Manager class displays and manages multiple modeless dialogs
ModelessDialogRenderer ModelessDialogRenderer React component renders modeless dialogs.
MouseDownChangedEvent Mouse Down Changed Event class.
NavigationAidActivatedEvent NavigationAid Activated Event class.
NavigationAidControl The base class for Navigation Aid controls.
NavigationWidget Navigation Widget React component.
NavigationWidgetDef Definition of a Navigation Widget normally displayed in the top right zone in the 9-Zone Layout system.
NestedFrontstage Nested Frontstage related classes and commands
OpenMessageCenterEvent Open Message Center Event class.
PanelStateChangedEvent Widget State Changed Event class. Beta
PointerMessage Pointer message pops up near pointer when attempting an invalid interaction.
PointerMessageChangedEvent Pointer Message Changed Event emitted by the PointerMessage component
PopupButton Used to provide custom popup button in toolbar. Deprecated
PropsHelper A set of helper methods for various props
ReactNotifyMessageDetails Describes a message to be displayed to the user and adds support for React components in messages.
ReducerRegistry Redux Reducer Registry. Beta
ReviewToolWidget Default Tool Widget for standard "review" applications. Beta
SavedView SavedView class.
SavedViewLayout SavedViewLayout class.
ScheduleAnimationTimelineDataProvider ScheduleAnimation Timeline Data Provider - allows a TimelineComponent to animate the data found in a ScheduleScript in a ViewState.
SelectionContextToolDefinitions Utility Class that provides definitions for tools dependent on current selection.
SeparatorBackstageItem Separator Backstage item.
SettingsModalFrontstage Modal frontstage displaying and editing settings from registered settings providers. Beta
SignIn React component.
SignOutModalFrontstage Modal frontstage displaying sign out form.
StagePanel Frontstage Panel React component.
StagePanelDef A StagePanelDef represents each Stage Panel within a Frontstage.
StandardMessageBox StandardMessageBox React component displays a standard icon, message text and a standard button set in the lower right.
StateManager Centralized state management class using Redux actions, reducers and store.
StatusBar Status Bar React component.
StatusBarItemsManager StatusBar Items Manager class. Beta
StatusBarItemUtilities Utility methods for creating and maintaining StatusBar items.
StatusBarWidgetControl Status Bar Widget Control.
SyncToolSettingsPropertiesEvent Sync Tool Settings Properties Event class.
SyncUiEvent SyncUi Event class.
SyncUiEventDispatcher This class is used to send eventIds to interested UI components so the component can determine if it needs
Task Task class.
TaskActivatedEvent Task Activated Event class.
TaskLaunchBackstageItem Backstage item that activates a Task
TaskManager Task Manager class.
TileLoadingIndicator TileLoadingIndicator React component Beta
ToolActivatedEvent Tool Activated Event class.
ToolAssistanceChangedEvent Tool Assistance Changed event class
ToolAssistanceField Tool Assistance Field React component.
ToolbarButtonHelper A set of Dom helper methods Beta
ToolbarHelper Helper functions for defining an ToolbarComposer.
ToolbarWidgetDefBase A Toolbar Widget normally displayed in the top left & top right zones in the 9-Zone Layout system.
ToolButton Tool Button React Component.
ToolIconChangedEvent Tool Icon Changed Event class.
ToolInformation Provides information about a tool with a given id, including the ToolUiProvider.
ToolItemDef An Item that starts the execution of a Tool.
ToolSettingsManager Tool Settings Manager class. Beta
ToolUiProvider ToolUiProvider provides the Tool Settings and/or Tool Assistance UI for a tool.
ToolWidget ToolWidget React component.
ToolWidgetDef Definition of a Tool Widget normally displayed in the top left zone in the 9-Zone Layout system.
UiFramework Manages the Redux store, I18N service and iModel, Project and Login services for the ui-framework package.
UiShowHideManager Maintains Ui Show/Hide state.
UiVisibilityChangedEvent UiVisibility Event class.
UserProfileBackstageItem User Profile Backstage React component.
UserSettingsStorage Implementation of UserSettingsStorage.UiSettings that uses settings admin from IModelApp.settings.
ViewAttributesStatusField Widget for showing Checkboxes for View Attributes Beta
ViewportContentControl The base class for Frontstage Viewport content controls.
ViewSelector View Selector React component Beta
ViewSelectorChangedEvent ViewSelector Changed Event class. Beta
ViewUtilities Various View utility methods
VisibilityComponent VisibilityComponent React component. Beta
VisibilityWidget VisibilityWidget React component. Beta
Widget Widget React component.
WidgetControl The base class for Widget controls.
WidgetDef A Widget Definition in the 9-Zone Layout system.
WidgetHost A WidgetHost represents a definition that hosts one or most Widgets in a Frontstage.
WidgetManager Widget Manager class. Beta
WidgetStateChangedEvent Widget State Changed Event class.
Workflow Workflow class.
WorkflowActivatedEvent Workflow Activated Event class.
WorkflowManager Workflow Manager class.
Zone Zone React component.
ZoneDef A ZoneDef represents each zone within a Frontstage.


Name Description
COLOR_THEME_DEFAULT The default color theme. Deprecated
ConfigurableUiActions An object with a function that creates each ConfigurableUiReducer that can be handled by our reducer.
DragDropLayerRenderer Contains the DragLayers to all DragSource types. Beta
IModelConnectedCategoryTree CategoryTree that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta
IModelConnectedNavigationWidget DefaultNavigationWidget that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta
IModelConnectedSpatialContainmentTree SpatialContainmentTree that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta
IModelConnectedViewport Viewport that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta
IModelConnectedViewSelector ViewSelector that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta
IModelConnectedVisibilityComponent VisibilityComponent that is connected to the IModelConnection property in the Redux store. Beta
PromptField Prompt Field React component. Deprecated
ReducerRegistryInstance ReducerRegistryInstance singleton instance of Reducer Registry Beta
SafeAreaContext Context used to manage safe area (feature used by devices with non-rectangular screens).
SelectionInfoField SelectionInfo Status Field React component.
SelectionScopeField SelectionScopeField React component.
SessionStateActions An object with a function that creates each SessionStateReducer that can be handled by our reducer.
sessionStateMapDispatchToProps Object that contains available actions that modify SessionState. Beta
SnapModeField Snap Mode Field React component.
SYSTEM_PREFERRED_COLOR_THEME System preferred color theme.
ThemeManager ThemeManager handles setting color themes.
ToolbarDragInteractionContext Context used to enable toolbar drag interaction. Beta
WIDGET_OPACITY_DEFAULT The default widget opacity.


Name Description
BackstageItemType Used to specify the item type added to the backstage menu. Beta
ClassGroupingOption An option of how class grouping should work in a component. Beta
ColorTheme Enum for the Color Theme string.
ConfigurableUiActionId Action Ids used by Redux and to send sync UI components.
ConfigurableUiControlType The type of the ConfigurableUiControl.
CursorDirection Enum for Cursor Direction
CursorDirectionParts Enum for Cursor Direction parts
FunctionKey Enumeration for Function Keys Deprecated
HideIsolateEmphasizeAction Supported Hide, Isolate, and Emphasize Actions.
KeyinFieldLocalization Controls whether localized and/or non-localized key-in strings appear in a KeyinField's auto-completion list.
ListItemType Enum for the list picker item type Beta
ModelsTreeNodeType Visibility tree node types. Beta
SelectionScope Selection Scope enum.
SessionStateActionId Action Ids used by Redux and to send sync UI components.
SpecialKey Enumeration for Special Keys Deprecated
StagePanelState Enum for StagePanel state.
SyncUiEventId Event Id used to sync UI components.
VisibilityComponentHierarchy Types of hierarchies displayed in the VisibilityComponent
WidgetState Widget state enum. Deprecated
WidgetType Widget type enum.
ZoneLocation Enum for Zone Location.
ZoneState Zone State enum.

Global Functions

Name Description
ActivityMessage Activity Message React component Beta
ActivityMessagePopup Activity Message Popup React component Beta
areNoFeatureOverridesActive return ConditionalBooleanValue object used to show items if selection set is active. Beta
BackstageAppButton BackstageAppButton used to toggle display of Backstage.
BackstageComposer Backstage component composed from BackstageManager items.
BackstageComposerItem Item of BackstageComposer. Beta
BasicNavigationWidget Basic Navigation Widget that provides standard tools to manipulate views containing element data.
BasicToolWidget Default Tool Widget for standard "review" applications. Beta
CategoryTree Tree which displays and manages categories contained in an iModel.
ClearEmphasisStatusField Clear Emphasis StatusField Beta
combineReducers Turns an object whose values are different reducer functions, into a single
ConfigurableUiContent The ConfigurableUiContent component is the component the pages specified using ConfigurableUi
ConfigurableUiReducer Handles actions to update ConfigurableUiState.
connectIModelConnection Function that will connect a component to the IModelConnection data in the Redux store.
connectIModelConnectionAndViewState Function that will connect a component to the IModelConnection data in the Redux store Beta
createAction Creates a basic Redux Redux Action with a payload value.
CursorPopupContent CursorPopup content with padding
DefaultDialogGridContainer DefaultDialogGridContainer populates a React node with the items specified by the UiLayoutDataProvider Beta
DefaultViewOverlay Default viewport overlay that examines ViewState of the active view for a schedule script, analysis data, or solar data.
featureOverridesActiveStateFunc return state with isVisible set to true is SectionSet is active. Beta
FrameworkReducer Framework reducer that combines the ConfigurableUiReducer and SessionStateReducer.
getBackstageItemStateFromProps Helper method to set backstage item state from props. Deprecated
getFeatureOverrideSyncEventIds return SyncEventIds that trigger selection state function refresh. Beta
getIsHiddenIfFeatureOverridesActive return ConditionalBooleanValue object used to show item if feature overrides are active. Beta
getIsHiddenIfSelectionNotActive return ConditionalBooleanValue object used to show items if selection set is active. Beta
getQuantityFormatsSettingsManagerEntry Return a SettingsTabEntry that can be used to define the available settings that can be set for an application. Beta
getSelectionContextSyncEventIds return SyncEventIds that trigger selection state function refresh. Beta
getUiSettingsManagerEntry Return a SettingsTabEntry that can be used to define the available settings that can be set for an application. Beta
GroupButton Group Button React component
isNoSelectionActive return SyncEventIds that trigger selection state function refresh. Beta
isStatusBarItem StatusBarItem type guard.
MessageRenderer Message Popup React component that renders one or more Toast or Sticky messages and an Activity message Beta
ModelsTree A tree component that shows a subject - model - category - element
NavigationAidHost NavigationAidHost is a component that hosts a NavigationAid that is specific to the active content control.
NavigationWidgetComposer Component that Composes a NavigationWidget typically using toolbars generated via ToolbarComposer class.
QuantityFormatSettingsPage UI Component shown in settings page to set the active Presentation Unit System and to set format overrides. Beta
SectionsStatusField Status Field for showing section extra tools for clearing and showing manipulators Beta
selectionContextStateFunc return state with isVisible set to true is SectionSet is active. Beta
SessionStateReducer Handles actions to update SessionState.
SpatialContainmentTree Tree which displays and manages models or categories contained in an iModel.
StatusBarCenterSection StatusBar Center Section React functional component
StatusBarComposer Component to load components into the StatusBar.
StatusBarLeftSection StatusBar Left Section React functional component
StatusBarRightSection StatusBar Right Section React functional component
StatusBarSpaceBetween StatusBar With Space Between Items React functional component
StickyMessage Sticky Message React component Beta
ToastMessage Toast Message React component Beta
ToolbarComposer Toolbar that is populated and maintained by item managers.
ToolSettingsGrid Component that arranges an array of ToolSettingsEntry items into a two column grid layout. Beta
ToolSettingsGridContainer Component to provide grid of property editors Beta
ToolWidgetComposer ToolWidget component that supports use of ToolbarComposer-based Toolbars.
UiDataProvidedDialog Component to show dialog populated from properties supplied via uiDataProvider Beta
UiSettingsPage UiSettingsPage displaying the active UI settings. Beta
UiSettingsProvider Allows to provide a custom UiSettingsProvider.UiSettings implementation to persist UI settings. Beta
useActiveFrontstageId Hook that returns active frontstage id. Beta
useActiveIModelConnection React hook that maintains the active IModelConnection.
useActiveStageId React hook that maintains the active stage Id.
useActiveViewport React hook that maintains the active viewport.
useAnalysisAnimationDataProvider Hook that returns either a AnalysisAnimationTimelineDataProvider or undefined based on if the supplied viewport contains analysis data.
useBackstageManager Hook that returns backstage manager. Beta
useDefaultStatusBarItems Hook that returns items from StatusBarItemsManager. Beta
useDefaultToolbarItems Hook that returns items from ToolbarItemsManager. Beta
useIsBackstageOpen Hook that returns isOpen flag of the backstage. Beta
useScheduleAnimationDataProvider Hook that returns either a ScheduleAnimationTimelineDataProvider or undefined based on if the supplied viewport contains schedule script.
useSolarDataProvider Hook that returns either a SolarTimelineDataProvider or undefined based on if the supplied viewport's display style is set to display shadows. Beta
useUiItemsProviderBackstageItems Hook that returns items from BackstageItemsManager. Beta
useUiItemsProviderStatusBarItems Hook that returns items from StatusBarItemsManager. Beta
useUiItemsProviderToolbarItems Hook that returns items from ToolbarItemsManager. Beta
useUiSettingsStorageContext Beta
withMessageCenterFieldProps HOC that injects values for MessageCenterFieldProps.
withSafeArea HOC that injects SafeAreaInsets.
withStatusFieldProps HOC that injects values for StatusFieldProps.


Name Description
Action A basic Redux Action.
ActionItemButtonProps Properties that must be specified for an ActionItemButton component
ActionWithPayload A Redux Action, with additional "payload" information.
ActiveContentChangedEventArgs ActiveContentChangedEvent Args interface.
ActivityMessageEventArgs Activity Message Event arguments.
ActivityMessagePopupProps Properties for ActivityMessagePopup component Beta
ActivityMessageProps Properties for a ActivityMessage Beta
BackstageActionItem Describes the data needed to insert an action button into the backstage menu. Beta
BackstageAppButtonProps Properties for the BackstageAppButton React component
BackstageComposerItemProps Props of BackstageComposerItem component. Beta
BackstageComposerProps Props of BackstageComposer component.
BackstageEventArgs BackstageEvent arguments.
BackstageItemProps Base properties for a Backstage item. Deprecated
BackstageItemState Properties that define the state of a Backstage items. Deprecated
BackstageProps Properties for the Backstage React component.
BackstageStageLauncher Describes the data needed to insert an action button into the backstage menu. Beta
BackstageToggledArgs Arguments of BackstageManager.onToggled. Beta
BaseItemState Base state for any 'stateful' React component
BasicNavigationWidgetProps Properties that can be used to append items to the default set of toolbar items of DefaultNavigationWidget.
BasicToolWidgetProps Properties that can be used to append items to the default set of toolbar items of ReviewToolWidget. Beta
BooleanListenerProps Properties supported by BooleanSyncUiListener component.
CategoryTreeProps Properties for the CategoryTree component
ChildWindowLocationProps Beta
CommandItemProps Properties for a Command item.
CommandLaunchBackstageItemProps Properties for a CommandLaunchBackstageItem component
ConditionalFieldProps Properties supported by ConditionalField component.
ConfigurableUiContentProps Properties for ConfigurableUiContent
ConfigurableUiElement Interface for a ConfigurableUi element
ConfigurableUiState The portion of state managed by the ConfigurableUiReducer.
ContentControlActivatedEventArgs ControlControl Activated Event Args interface.
ContentGroupProps Properties for a ContentGroup
ContentLayoutActivatedEventArgs Content Layout Activated Event Args class.
ContentLayoutComponentProps Properties for the ContentLayout React component.
ContentLayoutProps Properties for a ContentLayoutDef
ContentProps Properties for content displayed in a content view
CursorMenuData Definition of data added to Redux store to define cursor menu.
CursorPopupOptions Options for the CursorPopupManager open method
CursorPopupProps Properties for the CursorPopup React component
CursorUpdatedEventArgs Cursor Updated Event Args interface.
CustomItemProps Definition for a Custom item that renders a React component.
DeepReadonlyArray TypeScript doesn't actually allow recursive type aliases, so these are just sort of a hack to make DeepReadonly work
DefaultNavigationProps Properties that can be used to append items to the default set of toolbar items of DefaultNavigationWidget. Beta
DialogChangedEventArgs Dialog Stack Changed Event Args class.
DialogInfo Information maintained by a Dialog Manager about a dialog
DragDropLayerChangedEventArgs Drag/Drop Layer Changed Event Args class. Beta
DragDropLayerRendererProps Properties for the DragDropLayerRenderer component Beta
ElementTooltipChangedEventArgs ElementTooltipChangedEvent arguments.
EmphasizeElementsChangedArgs Selection Context Action Event Argument
ExpandableSectionProps Properties for the ExpandableSection component Beta
ExtensibleToolbarProps Properties for the ToolbarComposer React components
FooterModeFieldProps Properties for a FooterModeField component
FrameworkRootState Generic 'root' state for the ui-framework package. Beta
FrameworkState Interface combining all the Framework state interfaces.
FrontstageActivatedEventArgs Frontstage Activated Event Args interface.
FrontstageDeactivatedEventArgs Frontstage Deactivated Event Args interface.
FrontstageLaunchBackstageItemProps Properties for a FrontstageLaunchBackstageItem component
FrontstageProps Properties for a Frontstage component.
FrontstageReadyEventArgs Frontstage Ready Event Args interface.
GroupButtonProps Properties for the GroupButton React component
GroupItemProps Definition for a Group item that opens a group of items.
IModelViewportControlOptions IModelViewportControl options. Beta
InitialAppUiSettings Default values that may be specified for AppUiSettings. Beta
InputFieldMessageEventArgs Input Field Message Event arguments.
ItemProps Definition that specifies properties shared between many ConfigurableUi components.
KeyboardShortcutMenuState State for a KeyboardShortcutMenuEvent and KeyboardShortcutMenu component
KeyboardShortcutProps Properties for a Keyboard Shortcut
KeyinBrowserExecuteArgs Arguments for KeyinBrowserProps onExecute callback. Beta
KeyinBrowserProps Properties of the KeyinBrowser component. Beta
KeyinEntry Defines a keyin entry to show/filter in UI
LayoutFragmentProps Properties for a layout fragment
LayoutHorizontalSplitProps Properties for a horizontal layout split
LayoutSplit Common interface for HorizontalSplit and VerticalSplit
LayoutSplitPropsBase Base interface for layout split properties
LayoutVerticalSplitProps Properties for a vertical layout split.
ListItem List picker item Beta
ListPickerItemProps Properties for the ListPickerItem component Beta
ListPickerProps Properties for the ListPickerBase component Beta
ListPickerPropsExtended Properties for the ListPicker component Beta
MessageAddedEventArgs MessageAddedEvent arguments.
MessageCenterFieldProps Properties for withMessageCenterFieldProps HOC.
MessageRendererProps Properties for MessageRenderer component Beta
ModalFrontstageChangedEventArgs Modal Frontstage Changed Event Args interface.
ModalFrontstageClosedEventArgs Modal Frontstage Closed Event Args interface.
ModalFrontstageInfo Modal Frontstage information interface.
ModalFrontstageProps Properties for the ModalFrontstage React component
ModelessDialogProps Properties for the ModelessDialog component
ModelsTreeProps Props for ModelsTree component
MouseDownChangedEventArgs MouseDownChangedEvent Args interface.
NameToReducerMap NameToReducerMap used by Reducer Registry
NavigationAidActivatedEventArgs NavigationAid Activated Event Args interface.
NavigationAidHostProps Properties for the NavigationAidHost React component
NavigationWidgetComposerProps Properties for the NavigationWidgetComposer React components
NavigationWidgetProps Properties for a Navigation Widget.
NavigationWidgetPropsEx Properties for the NavigationWidget React component.
NineZoneChangeHandler Interface defining callbacks for nine zone changes
OpenChildWindowInfo Beta
PanelStateChangedEventArgs Panel State Changed Event Args interface.
PointerMessageChangedEventArgs PointerMessageChangedEvent arguments.
PointerMessageProps Properties of PointerMessage component.
PopupButtonChildrenRenderPropArgs Arguments of PopupButtonChildrenRenderProp. Deprecated
PopupButtonProps Properties for the PopupButton React component Deprecated
PresentationSelectionScope PresentationSelectionScope holds the id and the localized label for a selection scope supported for a specific iModel.
QuantityFormatterSettingsOptions Options to initialize the settings page that allows users to set Quantity formatting overrides. Beta
ReviewToolWidgetProps Properties that can be used to append items to the default set of toolbar items of ReviewToolWidget. Beta
SavedViewLayoutProps SavedViewLayoutProps interface for sharing view layout information.
SavedViewProps SavedViewProps interface for sharing ViewState and EmphasizeElements information.
SectionsStatusFieldProps Sections Status Field Props Beta
SessionState The portion of state managed by the SessionStateReducer.
SessionStateActionsProps An interface that allows redux connected object to dispatch changes to the SessionState reducer. Beta
SignInProps Properties for the SignIn component
SpatialContainmentTreeProps Properties for the SpatialContainmentTree component
StagePanelChangeHandler Interface defining callbacks for stage panel changes
StagePanelProps Properties of a StagePanel component
StagePanelZoneProps Properties of a Stage Panel Zone
StagePanelZonesProps Properties of the Stage Panel Zones
StandardMessageBoxProps Properties for StandardMessageBox React component
StatusBarComposerProps Properties for the StatusBarComposer React components
StatusBarItem Describes the data needed to insert an item into the StatusBar.
StatusBarProps Properties for the StatusBar React component
StatusBarWidgetControlArgs Status Bar Widget Control render prop arguments.
StatusFieldProps Properties for a StatusBar field component
StickyMessageProps Properties for a StickyMessage Beta
SupportsViewSelectorChange Interface to be implemented when the ContentControl supports ViewSelector changes
SyncToolSettingsPropertiesEventArgs Sync Tool Settings Properties Event Args interface.
SyncUiEventArgs SyncUi Event arguments.
TargetChangeHandler Interface defining callbacks for ZoneDropTarget changes
TaskActivatedEventArgs Task Activated Event Args class.
TaskLaunchBackstageItemProps Properties for a TaskLaunchBackstageItem component
TaskProps Properties for a Task
TaskPropsList List of Task Properties
ToastMessageProps Properties for a ToastMessage Beta
ToolActivatedEventArgs Tool Activated Event Args interface.
ToolAssistanceChangedEventArgs Tool Assistance Changed event arguments.
ToolAssistanceFieldProps Properties of ToolAssistanceField component.
ToolbarWidgetProps Properties for a Toolbar Widget.
ToolButtonProps Properties for the ToolButton React Component.
ToolIconChangedEventArgs Tool Icon Changed Event Args interface.
ToolItemProps Properties for a Tool item with a tool id.
ToolSettingsEntry Defines a ToolSettings property entry. Beta
ToolSettingsGridProps Defines the ToolSettingsEntry entries that are used to populate a grid layout of ToolSetting properties. Beta
ToolWidgetComposerProps Properties for the ToolbarComposer React components
ToolWidgetProps Properties for a Tool Widget.
ToolWidgetPropsEx Properties for the ToolWidget React component.
UiDataProvidedDialogProps Props for UiDataProvidedDialog component. Beta
UiSettingsProviderProps Properties for the UiSettingsProvider component. Beta
UiVisibilityEventArgs UiVisibility Event Args interface.
UnitSystemSelectorProps Props for UnitSystemSelector Beta
UserProfileBackstageItemProps Properties for the Backstage React component.
UserSettingsProvider Interface to be implemented but any classes that wants to load their user settings when the UiSetting storage class is set. Beta
ViewLayout ViewLayout interface for sharing view layout information.
ViewOverlayProps Props of Viewport Overlay Control that show timelines
ViewSelectorChangedEventArgs ViewSelectorChangedEvent Args interface. Beta
ViewSelectorProps Properties for the ViewSelector component Beta
VisibilityComponentConfig Data structure that describes visibility component configuration Beta
VisibilityComponentProps Props for VisibilityComponent Beta
WidgetChangeHandler Interface defining callbacks for widget changes
WidgetProps Properties for a Widget component.
WidgetProvider Widget Provider interface. Beta
WidgetStateChangedEventArgs Widget State Changed Event Args interface.
WorkflowActivatedEventArgs Workflow Activated Event Args class.
WorkflowProps Properties for a Workflow.
WorkflowPropsList Workflow Properties List definition.
ZoneDefProvider Interface defining a provider for Zone definitions
ZoneProps Properties of a Zone component

Type Aliases

Name Description
ActionCreatorsObject Just an object where every property is a Redux Action Creator.
ActionsUnion A TypeScript type alias that represents the Union Type of all actions
ActionTypes A TypeScript type alias that uses conditional types (read: magic)
AnyItemDef Union of all Item definitions that can be specified in a GroupItem
AnyToolbarItemDef Union of all Item definitions that can be specified in a Toolbar
AnyWidgetProps Union of all Widget properties.
CombinedReducerState A type alias which represents the state created by the reducer returned by combineReducers for a given reducers argument.
ConfigurableUiActionsUnion Union of ConfigurableUi Redux actions
DeepReadonly Similar to the built-in Readonly, type alias but applied recursively.
DeepReadonlyObject TypeScript doesn't actually allow recursive type aliases, so these are just sort of a hack to make DeepReadonly work
MenuItemProps Menu Item Properties
NotifyMessageDetailsType Types for NotifyMessageDetails.
NotifyMessageType Types for message in MessageManager
ReactMessage Describes a React based message Deprecated
ReducerActions A TypeScript type alias that represents a union of all action types handled by a Redux Reducer.
ReducerMapActions A type alias which represents the union type of all actions handled by the reducer returned by combineReducers for a given reducers argument.
SessionStateActionsUnion Union of SessionState Redux actions
StagePanelDefaultProps Default properties of StagePanel component.
StagePanelMaxSizeSpec Available units of panel maximum size.
StateType A TypeScript type alias that represents the return type of a Redux Reducer.
StatusBarFieldId Status Bar Field type.
ViewSelectorDefaultProps Default properties of ViewSelector component. Beta

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022