

Name Description
ArrowTool Tool for placing Markup Arrows
CircleTool Tool for placing Markup Circles
CloudTool Tool for placing Markup Clouds
DistanceTool Tool for measuring distances and placing Markups of them
EditTextTool Tool for editing text.
EllipseTool Tool for placing Markup Ellipses
Handles The set of ModifyHandles active.
LineTool Tool for placing Markup Lines
Markup The current markup being created/edited.
MarkupApp The main object for the Markup package.
MarkupSelected The set of currently selected SVG elements.
MarkupTool Base class for all tools that operate on Markup elements.
ModifyHandle Classes added to HTMLElements so they can be customized in CSS by applications.
PlaceTextTool Tool to place new text notes on a Markup.
PolygonTool Tool for placing Markup Polygons
RectangleTool Tool for placing Markup Rectangles
RedlineTool Base class for tools that place new Markup elements
SelectTool Provides UI for selection, delete, move, copy, bring-to-front, send-to-back, etc.
SketchTool Tool for placing Markup freehand sketches
SymbolTool Tool for placing SVG symbols on a Markup
UndoManager Stores the sequence of operations performed on a Markup.


Name Description
MarkupData Markup data returned by MarkupApp.stop
MarkupSvgData The size and SVG string for a Markup
WidthAndHeight The width and height of a Markup image, in pixels.

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022