

Name Description
AdditionalTransform Additional Transform implementation.
AffineTransform The equations are:
AmbientLight Describes the ambient light associated with a LightSettings.
AnalysisStyle As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, describes how to animate meshes in the view that have been augmented with
AnalysisStyleDisplacement Describes how an AnalysisStyle deforms a Polyface by applying translation to its vertices.
AnalysisStyleScalar Describes how an AnalysisStyle recolors Polyface vertices by mapping scalar values supplied
BackgroundMapSettings Normalized representation of a BackgroundMapProps for which type and provider have been validated and default values have been applied where explicit values not defined.
BentleyCloudRpcConfiguration Operating parameters for Bentley cloud RPC interface deployments.
BentleyCloudRpcManager Coordinates usage of RPC interfaces for Bentley cloud deployments.
BentleyCloudRpcProtocol An http protocol for Bentley cloud RPC interface deployments.
BentleyError The error type thrown by this module.
BoundingSphere Represents a bounding sphere.
Camera The current position (eyepoint), lens angle, and focus distance of a camera.
Carto2DDegrees A 2D cartographic point in degrees
Cartographic A position on the earth defined by longitude, latitude, and height above the WGS84 ellipsoid.
CartographicRange A cartographic range representing a rectangular region if low longitude/latitude > high then area crossing seam is indicated.
ClipStyle Describes symbology and behavior applied to a ClipVector when applied to a ViewState or ModelClipGroup.
CloudStorageCache Beta
CloudStorageTileCache Beta
Code A three-part structure containing information about the Code of an Element
CodeSpec A Code Specification captures the rules for encoding and decoding significant business information into
ColorDef An immutable integer representation of a color.
ContextRealityModel A reality model not associated with a GeometricModel but instead defined in a DisplayStyle or DisplayStyleState.
ContextRealityModels A list of ContextRealityModels attached to a DisplayStyleSettings.
CutStyle As part of a ClipStyle, describes how section-cut graphics should be displayed.
DisplayStyle3dSettings Provides access to the settings defined by a DisplayStyle3d or DisplayStyle3dState, and ensures that
DisplayStyleSettings Provides access to the settings defined by a DisplayStyle or DisplayStyleState, and ensures that
EcefLocation The position and orientation of an iModel on the earth in ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) coordinates
ECJsNames Utility to format ECProperty names according to the iModel.js formatting rules.
Metadata for an Entity. Beta
Feature Describes a discrete entity within a batched RenderGraphic that can be
FeatureAppearance Defines overrides for selected aspects of a Feature's symbology.
FeatureOverrides Specifies how to customize the appearance of individual Features, typically within the context of a Viewport.
FeatureTable Defines a look-up table for Features within a batched RenderGraphic.
FontMap A FontMap holds the table of known fonts available in an iModel.
Frustum The region of physical (3d) space that appears in a view.
GeocentricTransform This class represents a geocentric (three parameters) geodetic transformation.
GeodeticDatum This class represents a geodetic datum.
GeodeticEllipsoid This class defines the mathematical model of the Earth shape in the form of an ellipsoid.
GeodeticTransform This class represents a geodetic transformation that enables transforming longitude/latitude coordinates
GeographicCRS Geographic Coordinate Reference System implementation.
GeometryParams Describes the display properties of graphics in a persistent element's GeometryStream that aren't inherited from SubCategoryAppearance.
GeometryStreamBuilder GeometryStreamBuilder is a helper class for populating the GeometryStreamProps array needed to create a GeometricElement or GeometryPart.
GeometryStreamIterator GeometryStreamIterator is a helper class for iterating a GeometryStreamProps.
GraphicParams The "cooked" material and symbology for a RenderGraphic.
GridFileDefinition Grid file definition containing name of the file, the format and the direction it should be applied
GridFileTransform This class represents a grid files based geodetic transformation.
GroundPlane A circle drawn at a Z elevation, whose diameter is the the XY diagonal of the project extents, used to represent the ground as a reference point within a spatial view.
Helmert2DWithZOffset An affine transformation with an additional Z Offset.
HemisphereLights Describes a pair of hemisphere lights associated with a LightSettings.
HorizontalCRS Horizontal Geographic Coordinate reference System implementation.
HorizontalCRSExtent The extent in latitude, longitude bounds where a horizontal CRS is applicable
HSLColor An immutable color defined by Hue, Saturation, and Lightness.
HSVColor An immutable color defined by Hue, Saturation, and Value
ImageBuffer Uncompressed rectangular bitmap image data.
ImageGraphic A geometric primitive that displays an image mapped to the corners of a quadrilateral, with an optional border.
ImageGraphicCorners Defines the 4 corners of an ImageGraphic.
ImageSource Image data encoded and compressed in either Jpeg or Png format.
IModel Represents an iModel in JavaScript.
IModelError The error type thrown by this module.
IModelNotFoundResponse Response if the IModelDb was not found at the backend
IModelVersion Option to specify the version of the iModel to be acquired and used
LightSettings Describes the lighting for a 3d scene, associated with a DisplayStyle3dSettings in turn associated with a DisplayStyle3d or DisplayStyle3dState.
MapImagerySettings Provides access to the map imagery settings (Base and layers). Beta
MapLayerSettings Normalized representation of a MapLayerProps for which values have been validated and default values have been applied where explicit values not defined. Beta
MapSubLayerSettings Normalized representation of a MapSubLayerProps for which values Beta
ModelClipGroup Describes how to clip a group of models in the context of a ViewDefinition3d by applying a single [ClipVector]($geometry-core] to each model in the group.
ModelClipGroups Describes how to clip groups of models in the context of a ViewDefinition3d or ViewState3d.
NoContentError Intended for API "no content" semantics where the error case should not trigger application failure monitoring systems.
OctEncodedNormal Represents a 3d normal vector compressed into a single 16-bit integer using oct-encoding.
Placement2d The placement of a GeometricElement2d.
Placement3d The placement of a GeometricElement3d.
PlanarClipMaskSettings Describes how to mask the geometry of one GeometricModel for display.
PlanProjectionSettings Describes how to draw a plan projection model.
PositionalVectorTransform This class represents a positional vector (seven parameters) geodetic transformation corresponding to
Projection This class encapsulates the projection of the CRS.
Metadata for a property. Beta
QParams2d Parameters used for QParams2d.Quantization of 2d points such that the x and y components are each quantized to 16-bit unsigned integers.
QParams3d Parameters used for QParams3d.Quantization of 3d points such that the x, y, and z components are each quantized to 16-bit unsigned integers.
QPoint2d Represents a Point2d compressed such that each component x and y is quantized to the 16-bit integer range [0, 0xffff].
QPoint2dList A list of QPoint2ds all quantized to the same range.
QPoint3d Represents a Point3d compressed such that each component x, y, and z is quantized to the 16-bit integer range [0, 0xffff].
QPoint3dList A list of QPoint3ds all quantized to the same range.
RelatedElement The Id and relationship class of an Element that is somehow related to another Element
RenderMaterial Represents a material which can be applied to a surface to control aspects of its appearance such as color, reflectivity, texture, and so on.
RenderTexture Represents a texture image applied to a surface during rendering.
RgbColor An immutable representation of a color with red, green, and blue components each in the integer range [0, 255].
RpcConfiguration A RpcConfiguration specifies how calls on an RPC interface will be marshalled, plus other operating parameters.
RpcControlResponse An RPC operation control response.
RpcInterface An RPC interface is a set of operations exposed by a service that a client can call, using configurable protocols,
RpcInvocation An RPC operation invocation in response to a request.
RpcManager RPC interface management is concerned with coordination of access and configuration for RPC interfaces.
RpcNotFoundResponse A RPC operation response.
RpcOperation An RPC operation descriptor.
RpcOperationPolicy The policy for an RPC operation.
RpcPendingResponse A pending RPC operation response.
RpcProtocol An application protocol for an RPC interface.
RpcRequest A RPC operation request.
SolarLight Describes the solar directional light associated with a LightSettings.
SolarShadowSettings Settings controlling display of solar shadows for a DisplayStyle3dSettings.
SpatialClassifier Describes how to use the geometry of one GeometricModel to classify the contents of other models - most typically, reality models.
SpatialClassifierFlags Flags affecting how a SpatialClassifier is applied.
SpatialClassifiers A set of SpatialClassifiers for a given reality model.
SubCategoryAppearance Parameters that define the way geometry on a SubCategory appears.
SubCategoryOverride Overrides selected aspects of a SubCategoryAppearance in the context of a DisplayStyleState.
TerrainSettings Normalized version of TerrainProps for which provider has been validated and default values of all members are used.
TextString A single line of text, all with the same font, styles (underline, bold, italic), and size.
TextureMapping Describes how to map a RenderTexture's image onto a surface as part of a RenderMaterial.
ThematicDisplay The thematic display setup of a DisplayStyle3d.
ThematicDisplaySensor A sensor in world space, used for ThematicDisplayMode.InverseDistanceWeightedSensors.
ThematicDisplaySensorSettings Settings for sensor-based thematic display for ThematicDisplayMode.InverseDistanceWeightedSensors.
ThematicGradientSettings Thematic settings specific to creating a color gradient used by ThematicDisplay.
Tween A Tween for interpolating values of an object.
Tweens A group of Tweens.
TypeDefinition A RelatedElement relationship that describes the TypeDefinitionElement of an element.
VerticalCRS Vertical Coordinate reference System implementation.
ViewDetails Encapsulates access to optional view details stored in JSON properties.
ViewDetails3d Encapsulates access to optional 3d view details stored in JSON properties.
ViewFlagOverrides Overrides a subset of ViewFlags.
ViewFlags Flags for controlling how graphics appear within a View.
WebAppRpcProtocol The HTTP application protocol.
WebAppRpcRequest A web application RPC request.
WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, controls how white-on-white reversal is applied to make white geometry more
XyzRotation Hold 3 components data of a Positional Vector rotation definition in arc seconds


Name Description
ColorByName A set of known colors by HTML color name, as a 32-bit integer in the form 0xBBGGRR (red is the low byte).
Easing Easing functions from tween.js
Interpolation Interpolation functions from tween.js
NpcCenter The center point of the Normalized Plane Coordinate cube.
NpcCorners The 8 corners of an Npc Frustum.


Name Description
AuthStatus Authentication Errors Beta
BackgroundFill Describes how a view's background color affects the interior area of a closed region.
BackgroundMapType Describes the type of background map displayed by a DisplayStyle
BatchType Describes the type of a 'batch' of graphics representing multiple Features.
BentleyStatus Standard status code.
BisCodeSpec Names of the internal BIS CodeSpecs.
BriefcaseIdValue Values of BriefcaseId that have special meaning.
BriefcaseStatus Error status from various briefcase operations Beta
ChangedValueState The enum represents the values for the ChangedValueState argument of the ECSQL function Changes.
ChangeOpCode Equivalent of the ECEnumeration OpCode in the ECDbChange ECSchema.
ChangeSetStatus Error status from various ChangeSet operations Beta
ChangesetType Value to indicate whether a changeset contains schema changes or not
CloudStorageProvider Beta
CommonLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package
DbResult Values for return codes from BeSQLite functions.
DomainOptions Option to control the validation and upgrade of domain schemas in the Db Beta
ECSqlSystemProperty Defines the ECSQL system properties.
ECSqlValueType Describes the different data types an ECSQL value can be of.
ElementGeometryOpcode Specifies the type of an entry in a geometry stream.
ExternalSourceAttachmentRole The role that an attached ExternalSource plays. Beta
FeatureOverrideType Options for overriding element appearance.
FillDisplay Whether a closed region should be drawn for wireframe display with its internal area filled or not.
FillFlags Flags indicating whether and how the interiors of closed planar regions is displayed within a view.
FontType The type of a font.
GeometryClass Categorizes a piece of geometry within a GeometryStream.
GeometryStreamFlags Flags applied to the entire contents of a GeometryStreamProps.
GeometrySummaryVerbosity Describes the level of detail with which to report each geometric primitive in a GeometrySummaryRequestProps.
GlobeMode Describes the projection of the background map
GridOrientationType Describes the orientation of the grid displayed within a Viewport.
ImageBufferFormat Format of an ImageBuffer.
ImageSourceFormat The format of an ImageSource.
IModelStatus Status codes that are used in conjunction with BentleyError.
InternetConnectivityStatus Indicates whether or not the computer is currently connected to the internet. Beta
LinePixels Enumerates the available patterns for drawing patterned lines.
MassPropertiesOperation Specify whether to accumulate volumes, areas, or lengths for the supplied elements.
MonochromeMode Describes the style in which monochrome color is applied by a DisplayStyleSettings.
Npc The 8 corners of the Normalized Plane Coordinate cube.
OverriddenBy Describes whether the user or the browser overrode the internet connectivity status. Beta
PlanarClipMaskMode The different modes by which a PlanarClipMaskSettings collects the geometry used to mask a model.
PlanarClipMaskPriority The default priority values for a PlanarClipMaskSettings, based on model type.
PrimitiveTypeCode The primitive types of an Entity property. Beta
ProfileOptions Options that control whether a profile upgrade should be performed when opening a Db Beta
QueryPriority Queue priority for query and its not guaranteed
QueryResponseStatus State of query operations
Rank The rank for a Category
RenderMode Enumerates the available rendering modes.
RepositoryStatus Return codes for methods which perform repository management operations Beta
RpcContentType RPC content types.
RpcEndpoint Endpoints for RPC protocols.
RpcInterfaceStatus RpcInterface status codes Beta
RpcProtocolEvent RPC protocol event types.
RpcRequestEvent RPC request event types.
RpcRequestStatus The status of an RPC operation request.
RpcResponseCacheControl Describes available options for RPC response caching.
SchemaState The state of the schemas in the Db compared with what the current version of the software expects Beta
SectionType An enumeration of the different types of SectionDrawings.
SkyBoxImageType Enumerates the supported types of SkyBox images.
SpatialClassifierInsideDisplay Describes how a SpatialClassifier affects the display of classified geometry - that is, geometry intersecting
SpatialClassifierOutsideDisplay Describes how a SpatialClassifier affects the display of unclassified geometry - that is, geometry not intersecting
SyncMode Whether a briefcase is editable or may only accept incoming changesets from iModelHub
TerrainHeightOriginMode Correction modes for terrain height
TextureMapUnits Describes the units in which a TextureMapProps' scale is expressed.
ThematicDisplayMode The thematic display mode.
ThematicGradientColorScheme A color scheme used to generate the colors of a thematic gradient within an applied range.
ThematicGradientMode A thematic gradient mode used to generate and apply a thematic effect to a scene.
TxnAction Describes the types of actions associated with Txns.
TypeOfChange Bitflags describing which aspects of an Element changed as part of a ChangedElements.
ViewFlagPresence Values used by ViewFlagOverrides to indicate which aspects of the ViewFlags are overridden.

Global Functions

Name Description
isPlacement2dProps determine if this is Placement2dProps
isPlacement3dProps determine if this is Placement3dProps
isPowerOfTwo Returns whether the input is a power of two.
mapToGeoServiceStatus Maps a GeoCoordStatus to the equivalent GeoServiceStatus.
nextHighestPowerOfTwo Returns the first power-of-two value greater than or equal to the input.


Name Description
AdditionalTransformProps Additional Transform definition
AffineTransformProps The equations are:
AmbientLightProps Wire format for the ambient light associated with a LightSettingsProps.
AnalysisStyleDisplacementProps JSON representation of an AnalysisStyleDisplacement.
AnalysisStyleProps JSON representation of an AnalysisStyle.
AnalysisStyleScalarProps JSON representation of an AnalysisStyleScalar.
AppearanceOverrideProps JSON representation of an appearance override in an EmphasizeElementsProps.
AreaFillProps Add a AreaFillProps.gradient, AreaFillProps.backgroundFill, or solid AreaFillProps.color fill to subsequent planar regions (or meshes).
AuxCoordSystem2dProps Properties of AuxCoordSystem2d
AuxCoordSystem3dProps Properties of AuxCoordSystem3d
BackgroundMapProps JSON representation of the settings associated with a background map displayed by a DisplayStyle.
BentleyCloudRpcParams Initialization parameters for BentleyCloudRpcConfiguration.
BRepPrimitive Represents a BRep within a GeometryStream.
BriefcaseDownloader Manages the download of a briefcase
BriefcaseProps Properties that specify a briefcase within the local briefcase cache.
CameraProps JSON representation of a Camera.
Carto2DDegreesProps A 2D cartographic point in degrees
CategoryProps Parameters of a Category
CategorySelectorProps Properties that define a CategorySelector
ChangedElements Changed elements found in a changeset or between a range of changesets.
ChangedEntities JSON representation of the set of Elements or Models that were changed by a Txn.
ChangesetFileProps Properties of a changeset file Beta
ChangesetIdWithIndex The Id and optionally the index of a changeset
ChangesetIndexAndId Both the index and Id of a changeset
ChangesetProps Properties of a changeset Beta
ChangesetRange A range of changesets
ChannelRootAspectProps Properties of an ChannelRootAspect that identifies an Element as the root of a channel which is a subset of the overall iModel hierarchy that is independently maintained.
ClipStyleProps Wire format describing a ClipStyle.
CloudStorageContainerDescriptor Beta
CloudStorageContainerUrl Beta
CodeProps The wire format for a Code
ContextRealityModelProps JSON representation of a ContextRealityModel.
ContextRealityModelsContainer An object that can store the JSON representation of a list of ContextRealityModels.
CreateIModelProps The properties that can be supplied when creating a new iModel.
CreateSnapshotIModelProps Options that can be supplied when creating snapshot iModels.
CustomAttribute A custom attribute instance Beta
CutStyleProps Wire format describing a CutStyle applied to section-cut geometry produced at intersections with a view's ClipVector.
DefinitionElementProps Properties of a DefinitionElement
DeletedElementGeometryChange Represents the deletion of a GeometricElement.
DisplayStyle3dProps JSON representation of a DisplayStyle3d or DisplayStyle3dState.
DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps JSON representation of settings associated with a DisplayStyle3dProps.
DisplayStyleLoadProps Options controlling which properties are included or excluded when querying DisplayStyleProps.
DisplayStyleModelAppearanceProps A FeatureAppearanceProps applied to a specific model to override its appearance within the context of a DisplayStyle.
DisplayStyleOverridesOptions Controls which settings are serialized by DisplayStyleSettings.toOverrides.
DisplayStylePlanarClipMaskProps A PlanarClipMaskProps associated with a specific reality model.
DisplayStyleProps JSON representation of a DisplayStyle or DisplayStyleState.
DisplayStyleSettingsOptions Options supplied when constructing a DisplayStyleSettings.
DisplayStyleSettingsProps JSON representation of the settings associated with a DisplayStyleProps.
DisplayStyleSubCategoryProps Describes the SubCategoryOverrides applied to a SubCategory by a DisplayStyle.
DynamicGraphicsRequest2dProps Wire format describing a request to produce graphics in "iMdl" format for a 2d geometry stream.
DynamicGraphicsRequest3dProps Wire format describing a request to produce graphics in "iMdl" format for a 3d geometry stream.
DynamicGraphicsRequestProps Wire format describing a request to produce graphics in "iMdl" format for a single geometry stream.
EcefLocationProps Properties that position an iModel on the earth via ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) coordinates
ElementAspectProps Properties of an ElementAspect
ElementGeometryDataEntry Describes an entry in a geometry stream as an op-code plus the binary flatbuffer representation of the associated data.
ElementIdsAndRangesProps Compact wire format representing geometric changes to a set of elements as part of a ModelGeometryChangesProps.
ElementLoadOptions Options used to specify properties to include or exclude when querying ElementProps with functions like
ElementLoadProps Parameters to specify what element to load for functions like IModelDb.Elements.getElementProps.
ElementProps Properties of an Element
EmphasizeElementsProps JSON representation of an EmphasizeElements.
EntityIdAndClassId Describes an Entity and its ECClass by Id.
EntityMetaDataProps Beta
EntityProps The properties of an Entity as they are read/stored from/to the iModel.
EntityQueryParams Parameters for performing a query on Entity classes.
EnvironmentProps JSON representation of the environment setup of a DisplayStyle3d.
ExtantElementGeometryChange Represents the insertion of a new GeometricElement, or a change to the geometric properties of an existing GeometricElement.
ExternalSourceAspectProps Properties of an ExternalSourceAspect that stores synchronization information for an element originating from an external source.
ExternalSourceAttachmentProps Properties of an ExternalSourceAttachment Beta
ExternalSourceProps Properties of an ExternalSource Beta
FeatureAppearanceProps Properties used to initialize a FeatureAppearance.
FeatureAppearanceProvider Interface adopted by an object that can supply the FeatureAppearance supplied by a FeatureAppearanceSource.
FeatureAppearanceSource Interface adopted by an object that can supply a FeatureAppearance given a low-level description of a Feature.
FlatBufferGeometryStream As part of a DynamicGraphicsRequestProps, specifies the geometry from which to generate the graphics in binary flatbuffer-encoded format.
FontMapProps The properties of a FontMap
FontProps The properties of a Font.
GeocentricTransformProps This interface represents a geocentric (three parameters) geodetic transformation.
GeoCoordinatesRequestProps Information required to request conversion of an array of iModel coordinates to Geographic Coordinates (longitude and latitude) Beta
GeoCoordinatesResponseProps Information returned from a request to convert an array of iModel coordinates to Geographic Coordinates (longitude and latitude) Beta
GeodeticDatumProps This interface represents a geodetic datum.
GeodeticEllipsoidProps This interface defines the mathematical model of the Earth shape in the form of an ellipsoid.
GeodeticTransformProps This interface represents a geodetic transformation that enables transforming longitude/latitude coordinates
GeographicCRSProps Geographic Coordinate Reference System definition that includes both the horizontal and vertical definitions
GeometricElement2dProps Properties that define a GeometricElement2d
GeometricElement3dProps Properties that define a GeometricElement3d
GeometricElementProps Properties of a GeometricElement
GeometricModel2dProps Properties that define a GeometricModel2d
GeometricModel3dProps Properties that define a GeometricModel3d
GeometricModelProps Properties that describe a GeometricModel
GeometryAppearanceProps Establish a non-default SubCategory or to override SubCategoryAppearance for the geometry that follows.
GeometryContainmentRequestProps Information required to request clip containment status for elements from the front end to the back end.
GeometryContainmentResponseProps Information returned from the back end to the front end holding the result of the geometry containment query.
GeometryPartInstanceProps Add a reference to a GeometryPart from the GeometryStream of a GeometricElement.
GeometryPartProps Properties of a GeometryPart
GeometryPrimitive Represents one of a variety of GeometryQuery objects within a GeometryStream.
GeometryStreamEntryProps Allowed GeometryStream entries - should only set one value.
GeometryStreamHeaderProps An entry in a GeometryStreamProps containing GeometryStreamFlags that apply to the geometry stream as a whole.
GeometryStreamIteratorEntry Holds current state information for GeometryStreamIterator.
GeometrySummaryOptions Describes what information to include in a GeometrySummaryRequestProps.
GeometrySummaryRequestProps Describes the elements for which to generate an array of geometry summaries and the options controlling the contents of each summary.
GraphicsRequestProps Wire format describing properties common to PersistentGraphicsRequestProps and DynamicGraphicsRequestProps.
GridFileDefinitionProps Grid file definition containing name of the file, the format and the direction it should be applied
GridFileTransformProps This interface represents a grid files based geodetic transformation.
GroundPlaneProps JSON representation of a GroundPlane.
Helmert2DWithZOffsetProps An affine transformation with an additional Z Offset.
HemisphereLightsProps Wire format for a pair of hemisphere lights associated with a LightSettingsProps.
HorizontalCRSExtentProps The extent in latitude, longitude bounds where a horizontal CRS is applicable
HorizontalCRSProps Horizontal Geographic Coordinate Reference System definition
HttpServerRequest An HTTP server request object.
HttpServerResponse An HTTP server response object.
ImageGraphicProps JSON representation of an ImageGraphic.
ImagePrimitive Represents an image within a GeometryStream.
IModelCoordinatesRequestProps Information required to request conversion of an array of Geographic coordinates (Longitude/Latitude) to iModel coordinates Beta
IModelCoordinatesResponseProps Beta
IModelEncryptionProps Encryption-related properties that can be supplied when creating or opening snapshot iModels.
IModelProps Properties of an iModel that are always held in memory whenever one is opened, both on the frontend and on the backend .
IModelRpcOpenProps The properties to open a connection to an iModel for RPC operations.
IModelRpcProps The properties that identify an opened iModel for RPC operations.
InformationPartitionElementProps Properties of a InformationPartitionElement
IpcSocket An inter-process socket connection between a single IModelHost on the backend (the node process), and an IModelApp on
IpcSocketBackend Interface for the backend (Node.js) side of a socket connection.
IpcSocketFrontend Interface for the frontend (browser) side of a socket connection.
JsonGeometryStream As part of a DynamicGraphicsRequestProps, specifies the geometry from which to generate the graphics in JSON format.
LightSettingsProps Wire format for a LightSettings describing lighting for a 3d scene.
LineStyleProps Properties of a LineStyle
LocalBriefcaseProps Properties of a local briefcase file, returned by BriefcaseManager.getCachedBriefcases and BriefcaseManager.downloadBriefcase
MapImageryProps The JSON representation of the map imagery. Beta
MapLayerKey stores key-value pair to be added to all requests made involving map layer. Beta
MapLayerProps JSON representation of the settings associated with a map layer. Beta
MapSubLayerProps JSON representation of the settings associated with a map sublayer included within a MapLayerProps. Beta
MassPropertiesRequestProps Information required to request mass properties for elements from the front end to the back end.
MassPropertiesResponseProps Information returned from the back end to the front end holding the result of the mass properties calculation.
MaterialProps Override SubCategoryAppearance.materialId for subsequent surface and solid geometry.
ModelClipGroupProps JSON representation of a ModelClipGroup.
ModelGeometryChanges Represents geometric changes to a set of GeometricElements belonging to a single GeometricModel.
ModelGeometryChangesProps Compact wire format representing geometric changes to GeometricElements within a GeometricModel.
ModelIdAndGeometryGuid Specifies a GeometricModel's Id and a Guid identifying the current state of the geometry contained within the model.
ModelLoadProps Properties that specify what model should be loaded.
ModelProps Properties that define a Model
ModelQueryParams Parameters for performing a query on Model classes.
ModelSelectorProps Properties that define a ModelSelector
NativeAppAuthorizationConfiguration Client configuration to generate OIDC/OAuth tokens for native applications Beta
NavigationBindingValue An ECSQL Navigation value which can be bound to a navigation property ECSQL parameter
NavigationValue An ECSQL Navigation value.
OpenAPIInfo An OpenAPI 3.0 info object.
OpenBriefcaseOptions Options to open a previously downloaded briefcase
OpenBriefcaseProps Properties for opening a local briefcase file via
OpenDbKey A key used to identify an opened IModelDb between the frontend and backend for Rpc and Ipc communications.
PartReference Represents a reference to a GeometryPart within a GeometryStream.
PersistentGraphicsRequestProps Wire format describing a request to produce graphics in "iMdl" format for a single element.
PhysicalElementProps Properties that define a PhysicalElement
PhysicalTypeProps Properties of a PhysicalType
Placement2dProps Properties of a Placement2d
Placement3dProps Properties of a Placement3d
PlanarClipMaskProps JSON representation of a PlanarClipMaskSettings.
PlanProjectionSettingsProps Wire format describing PlanProjectionSettings.
PointWithStatus Information returned from a request to convert an array of Geographic coordinates (Longitude/Latitude) to iModel coordinates Beta
PositionalVectorTransformProps This interface represents a positional vector (seven parameters) geodetic transformation corresponding to
ProjectionProps This class encapsulates the projection of the CRS.
PropertyMetaDataProps Beta
QueryLimit ECSql query subset specification
QueryQuota The desired ECSql query quota constraint.
QueryResponse Result of a query.
RelatedElementProps Properties of a NavigationProperty.
RelationshipProps Properties that are common to all types of link table ECRelationships
RenderMaterialAssetProps Describes the graphical properties of a RenderMaterialElement as part of a RenderMaterialProps.
RenderMaterialProps Properties that define a RenderMaterialElement.
RenderTimelineLoadProps Options controlling which properties are included or excluded when querying RenderTimelineProps.
RenderTimelineProps Wire format describing a RenderTimeline.
RepositoryLinkProps Parameters of a RepositoryLink
RequestNewBriefcaseProps Properties for downloading a briefcase to a local file, from iModelHub.
RgbColorProps JSON representation of an RgbColor, with each component an integer in the range [0, 255].
RootSubjectProps Properties of the Root Subject.
RpcInterfaceEndpoints Describes the endpoints of an RPC interface.
RpcOperationsProfile Runtime information related to the operation load of one or more RPC interfaces.
RpcRequestContext Interface to enable passing application-specific context with each RPC request.
RpcRequestFulfillment An RPC operation request fulfillment.
SectionDrawingLocationProps Properties that define a SectionDrawingLocation
SectionDrawingProps Properties that define a SectionDrawing.
SectionDrawingViewProps As part of a ViewStateProps, describes the SpatialViewDefinition from which a SectionDrawing was generated.
SerializedRpcOperation A serialized RPC operation descriptor.
SerializedRpcRequest A serialized RPC operation request.
SheetBorderTemplateProps Properties of a SheetBorderTemplate Beta
SheetProps Properties of a Sheet.
SheetTemplateProps Properties of a SheetTemplate Beta
SkyBoxImageProps JSON representation of an image or images used by a SkySphere or SkyCube.
SkyBoxProps JSON representation of a SkyBox that can be drawn as the background of a ViewState3d.
SkyCubeProps JSON representation of a set of images used by a SkyCube.
SnapshotOpenOptions Options to open a SnapshotDb.
SolarLightProps Wire format for the solar directional light associated with a LightSettingsProps.
SolarShadowSettingsProps JSON representation of SolarShadowSettings.
SourceAndTarget Specifies the source and target elements of a Relationship instance.
SpatialClassifierFlagsProps JSON representation of a SpatialClassifierFlags.
SpatialClassifierProps JSON representation of a SpatialClassifier.
SpatialClassifiersContainer An object that can store the JSON representation of a list of SpatialClassifiers.
SpatialViewDefinitionProps Parameters to construct a SpatialViewDefinition
SubCategoryProps Parameters of a SubCategory
SubjectProps Properties of a Subject
SynchronizationConfigLinkProps The properties of a SynchronizationConfigLink Beta
TerrainProps JSON representation of the settings of the terrain applied to background map display by a DisplayStyle.
TextStringPrimitive Represents a text string within a GeometryStream.
TextStringProps Properties for a TextString class.
TextureLoadProps Properties that specify what texture should be loaded and how it should be loaded.
TextureMapProps As part of a RenderMaterialAssetProps, describes how to map a RenderTexture's image to the triangles of a mesh to which the material is applied.
TextureProps Properties that define a Texture element.
ThematicDisplayProps JSON representation of the thematic display setup of a DisplayStyle3d.
ThematicDisplaySensorProps JSON representation of a ThematicDisplaySensor.
ThematicDisplaySensorSettingsProps JSON representation of a ThematicDisplaySensorSettings for ThematicDisplayMode.InverseDistanceWeightedSensors.
ThematicGradientSettingsProps JSON representation of a ThematicGradientSettings.
ThumbnailFormatProps Metadata about a thumbnail image.
ThumbnailProps Describes a thumbnail image for an IModel or ViewDefinition.
TileContentIdentifier Beta
TileVersionInfo Metadata describing the version/format of the tiles supplied by the backend.
TypeDefinitionElementProps Properties of a TypeDefinitionElement
UpgradeOptions Arguments to validate and update the profile and domain schemas when opening a Db Beta
UrlLinkProps Parameters of a UrlLink
VerticalCRSProps Vertical Geographic Coordinate reference System definition
ViewAttachmentProps Properties for a ViewAttachment
ViewDefinition2dProps Parameters used to construct a ViewDefinition2d
ViewDefinition3dProps Parameters to construct a ViewDefinition3d
ViewDefinitionProps Parameters used to construct a ViewDefinition
ViewDetails3dProps Properties of a ViewDefinition3dProps stored as JSON.
ViewDetailsProps Properties of a ViewDefinitionProps stored as JSON.
ViewFlagOverridesProps JSON representation of ViewFlagOverrides.
ViewFlagProps JSON representation of ViewFlags
ViewQueryParams Parameters for performing a query on ViewDefinition classes.
ViewStateLoadProps Options for loading a ViewStateProps via IModelConnection.Views.load or IModelDb.Views.getViewStateData.
ViewStateProps Returned from IModelDb.Views.getViewStateData.
WhiteOnWhiteReversalProps JSON representation of a WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings.
XyzRotationProps Holds 3 components of a Positional Vector rotation definition in arc seconds


Name Description
AmbientOcclusion Namespace containing types controlling how ambient occlusion should be drawn.
Base64EncodedString Represents an array of bytes encoded in base-64 with a prefix indicating the encoding, as persisted in an ECDb for properties of binary type.
BRepEntity JSON representation of a brep GeometryStream entry.
CloudStorageContainerUrl Beta
CodeScopeSpec The scope of the Code.
ElementGeometryChange Represents a change to the geometry of a GeometricElement, as exposed by ModelGeometryChanges.elements.
Gradient Namespace containing types for defining a color gradient, often used for filled planar regions.
HiddenLine Namespace containing types controlling how edges and surfaces should be drawn in "hidden line" and "solid fill" RenderModes.
Hilite Contains types related to display of hilited elements within a Viewport.
ModelGeometryChanges Represents geometric changes to a set of GeometricElements belonging to a single GeometricModel.
Quantization Provides facilities for quantizing floating point values within a specified range into 16-bit unsigned integers.
RenderSchedule Namespace containing types that collectively define a script that animates the contents of a view by adjusting the visibility, position,

Type Aliases

Name Description
AxisAlignedBox3d A Range3d that is aligned with the axes of spatial coordinates.
AxisAlignedBox3dProps The properties of a Range3d.
BackgroundMapProviderName The current set of supported background map providers.
Base64EncodedString Represents an array of bytes encoded in base-64 with a prefix indicating the encoding, as required when converting EC properties of binary type to and from JSON.
BaseLayerProps The JSON representation of base layer properties -- these can be represented by either a full map layer or a simple color. Beta
BaseLayerSettings Normalized representation of base layer properties -- these can be represented by either a full map layer or a simple color. Beta
ChangesetId A string that identifies a changeset.
ChangesetIndex The index of a changeset, assigned by iModelHub.
ChangesetIndexOrId either changeset index, id, or both
CodeScopeProps The props that hold the identity of the object defining the uniqueness scope for a set of Code values.
ColorDefProps The JSON representation of a ColorDef - an unsigned 32-bit integer in 0xTTBBGGRR format.
CreateEmptySnapshotIModelProps The options that can be specified when creating an empty snapshot iModel.
DanishSystem34Region The type to define the three zones of the Danish System 34 projections.
ElementAlignedBox2d A bounding box aligned to the orientation of a 2d Element
ElementAlignedBox3d A bounding box aligned to the orientation of a 3d Element
ElementGraphicsRequestProps Wire format describing a request to produce graphics in "iMdl" format for a single element or geometry stream.
EntityIdAndClassIdIterable A collection of EntityIdAndClassIds, as used by TxnChangedEntities.
GeodeticTransformMethod Type indicating the geodetic transformation method
GeometryStreamPrimitive Union of all possible geometric primitive types that may appear within a GeometryStream.
GeometryStreamProps A GeometricElement's GeometryStream is represented by an array of GeometryStreamEntryProps.
GridFileDirection type to indicate the grid file application direction.
GridFileFormat Type indicating the file format of the grid files.
HemisphereEnum Type used in the definition of UTM Zoning projection.
ImageGraphicCornersProps JSON representation of the 4 corners of an ImageGraphicProps.
IModelConnectionProps The properties returned by the backend when creating a new IModelConnection from the frontend, either with Rpc or with Ipc.
IModelVersionProps Properties for IModelVersion
LocalAlignedBox3d A bounding box aligned to a local coordinate system
Placement Either a Placement2d or Placement3d
Point2dProps A 2d point specified as an array of 2 numbers [x, y].
ProjectionMethod This enum contains the list of all projection methods that can be represented as part of the HorizontalCRS
RgbFactorProps Describes a color as an array of three numbers ranging from 0 to 1 where the first entry corresponds to the color's red component,
StandaloneOpenOptions Options to open a StandaloneDb via StandaloneDb.openFile from the backend,
StorageValue Type of value for storage values Beta
SubLayerId Beta
TerrainProviderName The current set of supported terrain providers.
UnitType This type indicates possible linear and angular units supported.

Last Updated: 29 November, 2022