BackstageItemUtilities Class


Utilities for creating and maintaining backstage items


Name Description
constructor(): BackstageItemUtilities    
createActionItem(itemId: string, groupPriority: number, itemPriority: number, execute: () => void, label: string, subtitle?: string, iconSpec?: string, overrides?: Partial<BackstageActionItem>): BackstageActionItem Static Creates an action backstage item Beta  
createStageLauncher(frontstageId: string, groupPriority: number, itemPriority: number, label: string, subtitle?: string, iconSpec?: string, overrides?: Partial<BackstageStageLauncher>): BackstageStageLauncher Static Creates a stage launcher backstage item Beta  
getBackstageItemStateFromProps(props: BackstageItemProps): BackstageItemState Static Helper method to set backstage item state from props  

Defined in

Last Updated: 11 June, 2024