ContentViewManager Class

Content View Manager class.


Name Description
constructor(): ContentViewManager    
contentSupportsCamera(content: undefined | ContentControl): boolean Static Determines if viewport supports use of a camera.  
getActiveContent(): ReactNode Static Gets the active content as a React.ReactNode.  
getActiveContentControl(): undefined | ContentControl Static Return the active ContentControl.  
isContent3dView(content: undefined | ContentControl): boolean Static Determines if content displays a 3d view.  
isContentDrawingView(content: undefined | ContentControl): boolean Static Determines if content displays a Drawing view.  
isContentOrthographicView(content: undefined | ContentControl): boolean Static Determines if content displays a Orthographic view.  
isContentSheetView(content: undefined | ContentControl): boolean Static Determines if content displays a Sheet view.  
isContentSpatialView(content: undefined | ContentControl): boolean Static Determines if content displays a Spatial view.  
refreshActiveContent(activeContent: ReactNode): void Static Refreshes the active ContentControl  
setActiveContent(activeContent?: ReactNode, forceEventProcessing: boolean = false): void Static Sets the active ContentControl  
setMouseDown(mouseDown: boolean): void Static Sets the mouse down status for a content view  


Name Type Description
isMouseDown Accessor StaticReadOnly boolean Determines if the mouse is down in a content view  
onActiveContentChangedEvent StaticReadonly ActiveContentChangedEvent Gets the ActiveContentChangedEvent  
onMouseDownChangedEvent StaticReadonly MouseDownChangedEvent Gets the MouseDownChangedEvent  

Defined in

Last Updated: 11 June, 2024