onClose Readonly

onClose: BeEvent<(_imodel: IModelConnection) => void> = ...

Event called immediately before this IModelConnection is closed.

@note This event is called only for this IModelConnection. To monitor all IModelConnections,use the static event.

@note Be careful not to perform any asynchronous operations on the IModelConnection because it will close before they are processed.

Defined in

onClose StaticReadonly

onClose: BeEvent<(_imodel: IModelConnection) => void> = ...

Event called immediately before any IModelConnection is closed.

@note This static event is called when any IModelConnection is closed, and the specific IModelConnection is passed as its argument. To monitor closing a specific IModelConnection, use the onClose instance event.

@note Be careful not to perform any asynchronous operations on the IModelConnection because it will close before they are processed.

Defined in

Last Updated: 16 April, 2024